This should be an interesting topic for all of us steelheaders to hear more about...the methods used to calculate steelhead escapement for our local rivers.
Curt will also discuss this year's spring steelhead escapement levels.
Here's the information:
Wild Steelhead Coalition Meeting
Wednesday, August 7th, 2002 7:00 PM (6:30 Social)
Bothell American Legion Post
19213 Bothell Way NE, Bothell, WA
You are invited to attend the Wild Steelhead Coalition’s August meeting. Be sure to join us for a great evening full of important information/discussion regarding wild steelhead and news about the WSC.
August Program/Guest Speaker:
Curt Kraemer, Region 4(North Puget Sound)Fishery Biologist
Presentation:"Setting Escapement Goals for wild steelhead: a discussion of different options and their implications for steelhead management in Washington state"
Curt will lead a discussion of setting escapement goals for wild steelhead, with an emphasis on real world implications for steelhead fisheries and challenges for fishery managers. Curt will also provide an update on the 2002 spring steelhead escapement for the North Puget Sound region.
Biography: Curt has worked for the State for 31 years and is currently the district fisheries biologist for the area that includes the Snohomish and Stillaguamish basins. Duties include overseeing management and stock assessment of all freshwater fishes in the District; including anadromous (steelhead, salmon, cutthroat, & native char) and resident (warmwater, salmonid and non-game) fishes. Has worked in the North Puget Sound region since 1974. At one time or another has had responsiblility for steelhead management in the Nooksack, Samish, Skagit, Stillaguamish, and Snohomish basins.
Feel free to show up at 6:30 PM to meet some of your fellow WSC Members and hear about how the WSC is working to preserve the legacy of wild steelhead!
For more information contact Rich Simms at or phone 425-880-4254. Also visit our website at for information regarding the WSC.
Fish on...