Greetings fellow fishers!

Friday I heard by checker that there were 30+ fish harvested (don't know if all Kings). My dad caught a 16# just off Todds and lost a huge one prior that. He estimated it was bigger than his 21# he caught opening day and guesses around 30#. The 16# King was hooked in the belly pretty deep. Weirdest thing I ever seen in all my years fishing. I on the other hand didn't catch a single thing.

On Saturday it sucked. Checker reported 9 harvested. Not a single bite all morning from 4:30am til 10:00am either near Todds or out by the point. Didn't see many on the H20 catch any fish either.

Hopefully it's significantly better next Friday.

"Fish On!"
SalmonFisherJeff frown
got FISH?

Get Hooked!