Wild Steelhead Coalition Meeting
Wednesday, September 4, 2002 7:00 PM (6:30 Social)
Bothell American Legion Post
19213 Bothell Way NE, Bothell, WA

You are invited to attend the Wild Steelhead Coalition’s September meeting. Be sure to join us for a great evening full of important information/discussion regarding wild steelhead and news about the WSC.

September Program/Guest Speaker:

Brian Winter, Ph. D.
Elwha Project Manager for the Olympic National Park
Presentation Title: Restoration of the Elwha River Ecosystem--A Status Report
Description: A brief history of the Elwha River Ecosystem restoration project will be presented. Details on the plans for dam removals, fish restoration, and
revegetation will be presented.
A question and answer period will follow has well as general business of the WSC.

Feel free to show up at 6:30 PM to meet some of the WSC Members and hear about how the WSC is working to preserve the legacy of wild steelhead!

For more information contact Rich Simms at www.wscmembership@yahoo.com or phone 425-880-4254. Also visit our website at www.wildsteelheadcoalition.com for information regarding the WSC.
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