It must be fall , all the snaggers are out in full force.
It repeats every year and we ***** and moan and call the F&G and the police.
Same thing, some will get caught and majority will not. There is not enough officers to cover all areas so we are stuck with snagging ass holes.
The reality of this is it will never stop but it sure would be nice to have it become more of a extinct practice then a circus show.
One thing that really irks me is there are people who will complain and say all kinds of crap about the snaggers but when the officers show up they are afraid of telling the officer who was doing what.
Next time you see it happen and the officer shows up escort him to the snaggers and tell them what you saw and relay to them that you will be a witness in court. Stand up and fight for your self and don't be bullied by scare tactics by these fools.
Take pics and get names and give them to the officer, complain everyday if you have to, soon or later there will be an WSP or F&G that will show up and then its pay day. Also if the officers get enough complaint with good info about the snaggers, they will know who and what to look for, and migh frequent the area more often and that might keep the snaggers away.
Little ZZ, I think what you purpose might be a good idea . This might keep the majority of them in the meat holes. I know when I fish area with hard to catch fish,hard to see or detect , you don't see the snaggers . The officers could less frequent these honest waters and concentrate more on the areas where the fish are easaily detected by snaggers. ( I know they try ding this right now) From experience in fishing the quiet waters to the meat holes you do not see the snaggers if they have to work to hard for the fish, they like the easy kill and prefer the meat fishery. So this can free up some officers and they can concentrate hard on those areas only.