Wild Steelhead Coalition Meeting
Wednesday, October 2, 2002 7:00 PM (6:30 Social)
Bothell American Legion Post
19213 Bothell Way NE, Bothell, WA

You are invited to attend the Wild Steelhead Coalition's October meeting. Be sure to join us for a great evening full of important information/discussion regarding wild steelhead and news about the WSC.

October Program/Guest Speaker:

Jim Tuggle

Presentation Title: “Setting Priorities in Fish Protection”

Jim Tuggle retired from WDFW three years ago and was the enforcement sergeant in charge of fishing enforcement for the Puget Sound area. He has an extensive background in both sport and commercial fishing, and has written and implemented many regulations.

Jim has been a life-long angler with extensive fishing experience through out the western U.S. Since his retirement, he has been operating a fish guiding business on the Olympic Peninsula/Alaska. Jim stays very busy in fish conservation politics, and community volunteer service. “One of our biggest challenges in getting our fish management entities to do the right thing for fish, is to make certain that the important things are done first”

A question and answer period will follow has well as general business of the WSC.

Feel free to show up at 6:30 PM to meet some of the WSC Members and hear about how the WSC is working to preserve the legacy of wild steelhead!

For more information email www.wscmembership@yahoo.com or phone 425-880-4254. Also visit our website at www.wildsteelheadcoalition.com for more information regarding the WSC.
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