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WDFW taking public comment on 2003 sport fishing rules package

OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is accepting public comment on a proposed package of sport fishing rules for the 2003-04 fishing season.

The proposed rules, governing the recreational harvest of game fish, food fish and shellfish, will be the focus of a public hearing at the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission's Dec. 6-7 meeting at the Skagit County PUD office, 1415 Freeway Dr., Mount Vernon.

Public testimony will be accepted at the meeting. The commission is expected to vote on adoption or modification of most of the rules package in February.

The may be viewed and downloaded from the WDFW website at on the Internet. Printed copies of the proposed rules can also be obtained by contacting the WDFW Fish Program, (360) 902-2700.

Among the changes in the new rules package are proposals to:

Place an aggregate daily limit of 10 on freshwater bivalves;
Create an aggregate daily limit of 15 bottomfish, with sub-limits for some species in ocean waters;
Eliminate the annual limit of 30 steelhead while retaining the annual limit of five wild fish;
Extend the standard stream season and the season for opening day lakes to Nov. 30, rather than Oct. 31; and
Create a year ‘round fishing season on Crab Creek and its tributaries, with a nighttime closure and special gear rules March 1 to May 31 in a specified area.
Written comments can be submitted during the Dec. 6-7 commission meeting, or mailed before Nov. 29 to Evan Jacoby, WDFW Rules Coordinator, WDFW, 600 Capitol Way N., Olympia, WA., 98501-1091. Comments can also be e-mailed to Jacoby at
Seen ... on a drive to Stam's house:

"You CANNOT fix stupid!"