I did see that and was waiting to post about it until the link to his website went up on the KING 5 homepage. The guy that was doing the net retrival was no other than Dr. T-Ho-Ke. He has been a guide and tackle manufacturer/seller here in Washington for a long time. I personnaly hope they get the link up as I would like to talk with him about volunteering some of my time to help him to find and retrieve more ghost nets, as of the time of the airing of the show He and his crew had retrieved 66 nets. Now I consider that really doing something for the environment. The other cool thing about it was that he was not moaning about those damn commercial fisherman, just trying to do what he could. We all talk about doing something worthwhile and I think that this is it for me. I will post a link if whenI find it.
Good luck and tight lines, Jeff
OK quick edit, it is not a website link but a "hotline" phone number. 253-225-0762 Here is the link to the story on the KING 5 homepage
http://www.king5.com/sharedcontent/north...s.4afce42b.html ok edit of the edit:
I just spoke with Dr. T on the phone he is looking for voluteers to help. The number that is posted on the K5 story is wrong, the correct number is above or another number that he can be reached at is 253-857-7402. He is not only working the sound but also plans on working some of the esturarys also.