THE BOOMING ECONOMYBy any measure, the economy of the United States of America is booming. Unfortunately, if you watch television news or read the newspaper (remember those?,) everyone thinks we've fallen on hard times. That's too bad. All that government schooling sure comes in handy for the liberal elites running the press when they want to push the big lie.
Right now, unemployment is at 4.7%. By any measure, that's very low...approaching full employment. In fact, in 1996 when Bill Clinton was running for re-election, the media bragged about the unemployment at the time of around 6%. Why brag? Because they wanted the public to think things were oh-so-swell so they would keep Clinton in office. So you get the idea...when there's a Democrat in the Oval Office, low unemployment is low, but if it's a Republican, all unemployment is high. And so the media template goes.
The economy right now is on fact, it's been growing year after year. But don't tell the dumb masses. They'll tell you that the economy is in the toilet. Why? It's those darned gas prices! Never mind that gas prices have been high for several years running in the summer months, and ignore the fact that, adjusted for inflation, they've been higher in the past.
Another example: When Bush ran for office he promised to increase jobs in the U.S. For years after his election the press ran with examples on how Bush was failing to live up to his promise. Then .. the promised jobs started to materialize, the press suddenly couldn't find its tongue. No surprise.
So what's really behind the lack of good news about our great economy? Make no mistake, it is the slanted propaganda churned out daily by the mainstream media and the Democrats. Such is their desire to remove Republicans from office that they will do anything to create the impression that the economy is terrible, and that includes fail to tell you the truth about our current economic boom.
But just look around you.....and you'll see otherwise.
That is, unless your head is in the sand. Like most people on the left.