#175384 - 05/13/06 01:17 AM
Democratic Party
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 03/17/05
Posts: 1765
PRO: abortion gay rights social programs gun control Clinton support our troops but not the war
Is there anything else going for the D's that I left out ?
If I am all wrong, please explain the facts rather than call me names and guess as to my life experiances....
#175385 - 05/13/06 01:55 AM
Re: Democratic Party
Returning Adult
Registered: 01/13/03
Posts: 405
Loc: Port Orchard
You have to be Kidding. You think any of theis left wing demms will go on with out Name calling or drumed up Lies stated as facts. Please I like your posts DONT HOLD YOUR BREATH.
In memory of Floyd M. Wright Nov 3 1925 – Oct 8 2007 I love you Dad; You were the greatest.
#175386 - 05/13/06 03:21 AM
Re: Democratic Party
Returning Adult
Registered: 10/19/05
Posts: 404
Loc: port ludlow
abortion=women's right (we alreaedy know you think they are to have any). If you actually took the time to listen to a dem, you would understand that they believe abortions should be at a much lower rate, basically rare but safe.
gay rights=civil rights just like yours, no need for exclusion.
social programs=aid for the less fortunate, take away social security and tell me what it's like in fifty years when you're bagginn groceries to pay for your glycerin pills.
gun control=don't want idiot's with automatics, I have a couple guns myself and noone is taking them away, but Malvo should have never had what he had unless he was serving
clinton, not a huge fan but he left us with a surplus, let's see georgie do that.
support the troops and not the war=no just the war in Iraq, we should have stayed focused on Afghanistan and Osama should be doing his sentence in the bottom of a well, but that's not really what our president is concerned about, and by the way, the troops who have served or are serving are true heroes, show some respect.
You left out fiscal responsibilty, right to medical care, concerted effort on education, better education, forward thinking energy policies that in the long run will make us less dependant on foreign nations and provide more jobs at home, etc., etc.,
you really need to get up to speed
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" President Merkin Muffley
#175387 - 05/13/06 07:50 AM
Re: Democratic Party
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 03/17/05
Posts: 1765
fishpolelease, Somehow my ability to communicate is under question here, even though you get away with posting a chopped up pile of fluff like that.......
Women's rights include the right not to get knocked up unless they want to be a Mommy...
Women's rights does not need to specify cutting out living parts of her body unless they are causing great physical harm...
gay rights=civil rights just like yours, no need for exclusion.
Gays already have the same rights as everybody else, they want special rights just for gays, that is ridiculous.
social programs=aid for the less fortunate, take away social security and tell me what it's like in fifty years when you're bagginn groceries to pay for your glycerin pills.
In less than 50 years I will be old enough to qualify for Social Security benefits... I do not expect to ever get a dollar back which I have paid in, if I do great, but I am saving some money for my sunset years, I do not need hundreds of millionair polititions to do it for me. How do you suppose people ever survived before these social programs started ?
gun control=don't want idiot's with automatics, I have a couple guns myself and noone is taking them away, but Malvo should have never had what he had unless he was serving
Shooting people is illegal on several levels already, there are more laws on the books than can be enforced already. People who kill people will use whatever they can get their hands on, taking away my rights to have firearms is not even addressing the issue of violent crime.
When Osama got out of Afghanistan the whole bombing/shooting thing didn't make as much sense, or do you think we should just drop bombs everywhere he ever was ?
I am out the door for work, I'll reply further this afternoon, thanks for participating.....
#175389 - 05/13/06 11:11 AM
Re: Democratic Party
River Nutrients
Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army
Here's a little cut-n-paste that I feel is germane to the subject. The author is unknown to me.
People Who Call Themselves Republican
Republicans don't realize what they represent to every one in the world who is not one of them. To most people, they represent hate and 'otherliness.' The Allies might have won most of the battles of World War II, but Fascism won the War. I know this characterization may seem harsh, rude, or even overboard to any Republican reading this, but allow me to explain.
The Life Blood of the Republican Party seems to be a Grand Coalition of "Anti's." What I mean by that is a formation of groups who are joined together based on what they are against. I feel this is the founding statement in understanding the mentality that guides the whole party. The personality traits of most Republicans centers on people who form judgments based on what they don't like or on things that anger them, rather than judgments based on love for their fellow man. While anger is a powerful motivating force, more times than not it is pre-programmed in Republicans to allow or even encourage evil actions or deeds. In reviewing Republicans I personally know, I quickly understand that being Republican implicitly means that there is a person, group, or constituency in America that you just Hate. It could be blacks, or Jews, or Mexicans, or city folks, or Liberals, or civil rights activists, or pro choice citizens, or the French, or Muslims, or Arabs, affirmative action proponents, women, gays, foreigners, and the list goes on forever. To me, this is the main reason Republicans seem to be able to get their followers to go to the polls more easily than Democrats. We know that Hate is a powerful mobilizing force and it is this force that Republican leaders and decision makers depend upon. They may only have 35% of the population, but they can count on nearly 100% participation.
Whatever group it is that you hate, the Republican Party will gladly invite themselves in to hate them alongside you. This is why many citizens, as well as politicians, say they are afraid of Republicans. They seem to believe that because of these intense fires of hatred, there is no manner of wickedness that Republicans are not capable of.
All one has to do is look at the way they govern to be aware of where their priorities lie. With the exception of abortion, Republicans legislate almost always in favor of Big Money, property, corporations, and any other inanimate object before they concern themselves with necessities naturally accruing to human beings. Now, of course, this is not the case in every individual who calls themselves Republican, but as a group or voting block, they seem to just hate their fellow human citizen for no other reason but that they are something other than them. Or they are filled with so much anger towards certain groups they consider enemies, that they will condone any type of barbarism, torture, or any other murderous action against them.
This brings me to the whole "God is on our Side" thing, of which they seem especially proud. Oddly, I cannot find any major Republican agenda that is truly in line with any of Jesus' basic teachings. Today's Republicans are vehemently against almost every public program designed to help humans live better lives. From national health care, to public education, to Head Start, to after school programs, Affirmative Action, civil rights issues, women's rights, to minimum wage for workers, they seem united in their prejudices. It frightens most normal Christians, for instance, that Republicans seem to pick and choose which path they will walk with their God. For example, it is okay to go to war and get hundreds of thousands of living beings killed or maimed, but any form of abortion is simply immoral. They say they are "pro-life" but at the same time claim ownership of the death penalty. This is the thinking of people who can rationalize any form of wickedness, as long as it suits their rigid goals. Jesus' teachings, to me, state that we must love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Republican teachings seem to mean that you should love yourself first, and let everyone else worry about themselves. This is as unholy and immoral a message as any that Nazi Germany practised in World War II. It is also a device designed to separate some Americans from most Americans. It is an earnestly studied mentality the kind of which made the Holocaust possible, and now it's successor, the Iraq War.
This is only a start of what makes less-than-one-out-of-three Americans think and act like they do. I will be adding more as time goes by especially as the courts become more crowded with the principals we are now just beginning to examine.
First, there are a few things that should be remembered by all law abiding, Constitution loving American citizens: Democracy is NOT DEAD and it will not be killed off by this "temporary majority" of street thugs, puritanical misfits, and overly privileged cowboys. Democracy is more than an attitude, it is a genuine culture that has grown in the hearts and minds of enough generations of American citizens that it will never be successfully extinguished by any one person, group of persons, and certainly not upon the "cause" of any event no matter how dire. They don't believe this so they, like many before them, will just have to be shown, again.
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.
#175390 - 05/13/06 03:45 PM
Re: Democratic Party
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 03/17/05
Posts: 1765
AuntyM When you say gays are discriminated against I assume you are talking about their being denied a special thing called "same sex marriage", the only other thing I can think of hearing specificly mentioned by someone on this forum was gays being fired from a job. I think we need to be able to hire and fire people any time for no reason, that would fix all this discrimination drama.............if someone who has a business wants to hire an employee and can find someone to take the job for whatever wage/compensation agreed to by both parties = fine and dandy. At some point if either of the parties wants to end the employment for any/no reason = fine and dandy. I do not see why you guys think there should be any law making an employer keep an employee on the books if the employer doesn't want to.
#175391 - 05/13/06 05:01 PM
Re: Democratic Party
Returning Adult
Registered: 05/02/04
Posts: 384
Loc: Portland
You believe an employer should be able to ask you what religion you are and fire you if you say the wrong one? Today we are firing all the male caucasions. Tomorrow it will be women with breasts smaller than c cups... Yeah being able to fire for whatever reason would solve all the problems!
#175392 - 05/13/06 06:26 PM
Re: Democratic Party
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 03/17/05
Posts: 1765
Hey, try to understand this, I would GLADLY hire anyone who could do the job right now.
Nobody who can do my job will get fired for being or not being religious.........that's just plain ridiculous. If some employer in any profession fires a bunch of good employees what is to stop them from going into business in competition with their old employer, or going to work for his competition the next day ?
Do you think there has to be any reason given when a job is terminated ? If so why ?
Being able to fire for any reason or without any reason wouldn't be discriminating against anyone, it would just be good common sense, let the employees performance stand for itself.
#175393 - 05/13/06 06:36 PM
Re: Democratic Party
Returning Adult
Registered: 10/19/05
Posts: 404
Loc: port ludlow
"Women's rights include the right not to get knocked up unless they want to be a Mommy...
Women's rights does not need to specify cutting out living parts of her body unless they are causing great physical harm..."
I don't agree with abortion, have talked people out of it before because I couldn't look at someone in the same light if I knew they made the decision. But, it's not my decision and if it were illegal all you would do is create a black market abortion industry, and that's worse than the current system.
"Gays already have the same rights as everybody else, they want special rights just for gays, that is ridiculous."
False, they cannot join together in matrimony, they cannot be secure in their job because they can be fired for being different, those are rights that you have that are not special, they are the same rights every other citizen has at birth.
"In less than 50 years I will be old enough to qualify for Social Security benefits... I do not expect to ever get a dollar back which I have paid in, if I do great, but I am saving some money for my sunset years, I do not need hundreds of millionair polititions to do it for me. How do you suppose people ever survived before these social programs started ?"
This is another contradiction from you, you claim that the government should not be taking money from you to help people, yet you don't care if they take your social security funds and never give it back????
"Shooting people is illegal on several levels already, there are more laws on the books than can be enforced already. People who kill people will use whatever they can get their hands on, taking away my rights to have firearms is not even addressing the issue of violent crime. "
America still has more murder by guns than any other country, I have been shot at by hunters with all of hunter safety orange and then some. When I took the hunter's safety course, it was a total joke. I don't think that we should be taking guns away, but we are lax on educating people the proper techniques and I don't see any reason why you should need a 50 cal submachine gun to "hunt" with.
"When Osama got out of Afghanistan the whole bombing/shooting thing didn't make as much sense, or do you think we should just drop bombs everywhere he ever was ?"
When we had Osama in our sights, our admin decided to sub out the capture to local militia, that was stupid. But, our admin needs the perpetual war to continue the campaign of fear so they can tap your phones and take away other inalienable rights. Goodbye free world, hello totalitarianism.
Again, I understand that you cannot fathom some people are not able to help themselves. People that are born with crippling infirmities are aquire them later in life through accidents or genetics represent a portion of those. I know that if you do understand that, then you then support the belief that they should just die of without help from anyone because they are sub-standard. I think that some people here could believe that you are sub-standard for not having enough compassion or sense to recognize that as a person of priviledge, the burden falls on you to help those less fortunate.
This statement: "Republican teachings seem to mean that you should love yourself first, and let everyone else worry about themselves." perfectly epitomizes and eloquently articulates how I view the repititive and cyclic posts that you make, so until you can understand that all people deserve to afford a certain standard of living, this will be how I view your stance as a person without any fraction of humanitarianism.
So do you believe that we should go to Iraq to "liberate them and save them from Saddam" because they can't do it themselves, while on the other hand, not help those who cannot help themselves inside of our own borders??
If an ultra scan were to determine that a fetus' heart was growing outside of it's chest cavity and was only projected to have a short and painful life, would you suggest that abortion was not plausible because it wasn't hurting the mother?? What you then, after the birth of the child, force the parents to cover the entire bill while it lived in intensive care.
What about babies of drug addicts, some tht are certain to die within the first year or two?
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" President Merkin Muffley
#175394 - 05/13/06 07:34 PM
Re: Democratic Party
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 03/17/05
Posts: 1765
MAN ! You twist things around to try and emphasize our few differences of opinion....
For one thing I do not know why you think firearms are only for hunting or killing people, I have several firearms, and I almost never hunt or kill people, I like to shoot guns sometimes, I target practice at long range targets with my rifles, I shoot trap/skeet with my shotguns, and I usually have at least one handgun in my truck for self defense. I have owned a couple of "assault rifles" and see absolutely no reason for them to be regulated by the government. There are a lot of people who shoot "assault rifles" in competitions designed for exactly that, and there are people who like to own and shoot "assault rifles" just for fun, you might even have a lot of fun at it yourself.
IF there is an employer who IS a BIGOT and doesn't hire gays, or fires them, then public opinion and market perception will take him down without government intervention.
Right there is I think our biggest difference... I think we the people can get by without being forced to do things which we all seem to know are right, whereas you seem to want laws for EVERYTHING. Why not make breakfast a law ? <grin>
#175396 - 05/13/06 08:28 PM
Re: Democratic Party
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 03/17/05
Posts: 1765
I still don't get why gay marriage is such an issue, they are not going to be having children and raising a family, they only want the paper so they can get money. I'm still not convinced that it is in society's best interest to "normalize" homosexuality.
#175398 - 05/13/06 08:49 PM
Re: Democratic Party
Returning Adult
Registered: 05/02/04
Posts: 384
Loc: Portland
"they only want the paper so they can get money."
I suppose your gay friends have told you they only want the money...
How about the benefits of being able to make decisions for your loved one when they are incapacitated? Oh that's right the Republicans are against that for everyone, I forgot! How about being able to share in their healthcare plan through work?
They sure think they are "special"!!!!
#175400 - 05/13/06 10:17 PM
Re: Democratic Party
Returning Adult
Registered: 05/02/04
Posts: 384
Loc: Portland
Aunty, thanks for saying it as simply as I wanted!
I'm still waiting for O to answer my question as to how two men marrying affects his own marriage yet alone impacts his life in the slightest!
Explaining homosexuality to his children has to be the lamest of all excuses/reasons there is? Wouldn't you have to explain it to them anyway????
God in his infinite wisdom will grace O's life with a gay child, or at least one can hope!
#175401 - 05/13/06 11:58 PM
Re: Democratic Party
Registered: 07/26/05
Posts: 954
Loc: Spokane, Wa.
As far as I am concerned any 'gay' male can marry any gay or normal female and have the same rights as anybody else. And versa visa too. You can agrue this subject 'til you go cyanotic and it won't change the fact that damn near every society in recorded history considers the union of a male and female the 'normal' societally acceptable structure for a family. Some societys tolerated the union of what we call homosexual individuals. Some did not. But in any case it is an anomaly. I think the efforts to legislate an anomaly into normalcy are BS. A person's sexual preference is just that. Personal. Societies benefits should be available to all. Just don't labels the anomalous practices of some as normal societal relationships.
#175402 - 05/14/06 12:16 AM
Re: Democratic Party
Returning Adult
Registered: 10/19/05
Posts: 404
Loc: port ludlow
"As far as I am concerned any 'gay' male can marry any gay or normal female and have the same rights as anybody else. And versa visa too. "
That's what I would like to believe, that they are treated equally. I don't think they should be given a 5% government handicap for bids like women and minority business or veterans. I'm not looking to give them an extra tax break for alternative lifestyle. Those are special previledges, not rights, to address disadvantages or as a reward for answering the call to duty. Exclusion for not being "like" everyone else, though, just isn't fitting for a tolerant nation.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" President Merkin Muffley
#175403 - 05/14/06 09:30 AM
Re: Democratic Party
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 03/17/05
Posts: 1765
"tolerant nation"
I think "tolerance" is a bit over done these days, I guess it is a part of our "politicly correctness" which is a big problem in my opinion, why not be realistic and say what is what instead of making up words........
If my car has a dent, then it's a dent, not a smoothness disadvantage.
#1029650 - 05/03/20 09:09 AM
Re: Democratic Party
[Re: Oregonian]
Dah Rivah Stinkah Pink Mastah
Registered: 08/23/06
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... Propping up an obsolete fishing industry at the expense of sound fisheries management is irresponsible. -Sg
#1029654 - 05/03/20 09:23 AM
Re: Democratic Party
[Re: Oregonian]
No Stars for You!
Registered: 11/08/06
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What’s with F4B digging up all these old threads lately?
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#1029720 - 05/03/20 03:15 PM
Re: Democratic Party
[Re: DBS]
Dah Rivah Stinkah Pink Mastah
Registered: 08/23/06
Posts: 6211
Loc: zipper
... Propping up an obsolete fishing industry at the expense of sound fisheries management is irresponsible. -Sg
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