Ward Churchill is a boil on the earth's a$$hole.
Lest anyone think he speaks for anyone but himself, here are a couple of quotes from Indian Country Today:
"Churchill's Indian status is not verifiable in the usual ways of checking into tribal membership. We are expansive here from a national position on recognized and non-recognized tribes, southern nations and global indigenous people, but the question of relations and proper belonging in the tribal circles in the United States and Canada is generally verifiable for Indian observers and such appears to be completely lacking in Churchill's case. He has claimed membership in the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee, but reliable representatives from the tribe deny Churchill is or ever was, or has blood relatives on their rolls. He was granted an ''associate certificate'' by a former leader of the tribe (later impeached) for services supposedly rendered, not due to blood relations - but even the tribe declines to exactly identify what that means."
After a speech at Hamilton College:
"The Oneida Indian Nation, which has historic ties to nearby Hamilton, issued the following statement:
''It's disturbing that anyone would use such hateful speech, and do so while claiming to be an American Indian when there is significant evidence that he is not. Professor Churchill caused many in the media to falsely believe an American Indian scholar could besmirch the lives of those who died on 9/11. Because of this, he owes every American Indian an apology.
''Likewise it is sad that he would perpetrate this apparent hoax on Hamilton College, an institution founded to help educate Indian students.'' (Hamilton was founded by Samuel Kirkland, 18th century missionary to the Oneidas, and the famous Oneida Chief Schenandoah is buried on its grounds. The Oneida Nation owns Four Directions Media, publisher of Indian Country Today.)"
This man does not represent any Indian's views that I know of. Not only should he be fired for what he's written and said, he should be fired for lying to get the job he has. A tenured professor is harder to get rid of than cancer but he's one that's dug his own hole.
"I didn't care what she didn't 'low--I would boogie-woogie anyhow" John Lee Hooker