Come on Sard, I know you're smarter than to believe what you posted. My biggest question is, how does the current admin justify taking our freedoms away so that they can effectively fight the people that "hate our freedoms"? Doesn't that seem kind of assinign? Since Big W has been in office, "free speech zones" (I thought the whole nation was a free speech zone), wiretapping of the Quakers (they are a threat to our security because they are self proclaimed passifists that don't agree with military force). Here's a couple more links for you to review, buddy, someone with your insight and experience should remember "nothing to fear but fear itself" not FEAR THY NEIGHBOR. It's just a little too Nazi/Orwellian for me to be comfortable with. The first is an op-ed piece from the left sided Christopher Pyle, the second is one of W's stump speeches that is just littered with paradox. Just one more time before I go, HOW ARE WE PROTECTING OUR FREEDOMS BY TAKING THEM AWAY?
I don't mind the whole profiling terrorists and actually doing something effective with the exhorbitant amounts of money being spent to fight terrorism, I just don't see how Quakers can be considered a security threat. I can't recall at any point in their history where Quakers picked up arms to fight anyone, could be wrong I guess.