Fox News Says Terrorists 'Must Be Thrilled'
Posted Nov 15th 2006 3:19PM by Christopher Weber
Filed under: Media, Dirty Tricks
What the hell was Fox thinking? The conservative news source World Net Daily reports it appears the Bush Administration's favorite network paid off terrorists who had kidnapped two of its reporters. Mind-boggling:
JERUSALEM - Palestinian terror groups and security organizations in the Gaza Strip received $2 million from a U.S. source in exchange for the release of Fox News employees Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig, who were kidnapped here last summer, a senior leader of one of the groups suspected of the abductions told WND.
The terror leader, from the Gaza-based Popular Resistance Committees, said his organization's share of the money was used to purchase weapons, which he said would be utilized "to hit the Zionists."
There's a reason it's U.S. policy to never, ever negotiate with terrorists and this is it: that same terror leader said the huge payment "will encourage Palestinian groups to carry out further kidnappings."
UPDATE: Drudge reports that Fox honcho Roger Ailes is denying any payment was made in exchange for the hostages' release. So where did the $2 million come from?
But wait, there's more from the avatar of fairness and balance on television. An internal Fox News memo has surfaced that instructs staff members to be on the lookout for "any statements from the Iraqi insurgents, who must be thrilled at the prospect of a Dem-controlled congress." Well, yeah. How do you think the Democrats pulled out that election landslide last week? By courting the insurgent vote of course.