FYI, From the Wild Steelhead Coalition's Research Paper "Bilogical & Economic Benefits of Wild Steelhead Release" Chapter titled "Genetic Diversity of Wild Steelhead"-
"Many of the Pacific salmon species are also separated into discrete races depending upon their adult migration time. Generally, salmon that return earlier spawn higher up in river systems than later returning salmon (Groot and Margolis 1991). Winter steelhead spawning migrations effectively occur over a seven month period (November - May). It is unknown if earlier returning winter steelhead spawn higher up in river systems than later returning steelhead, although anecdotal evidence from steelhead guides from Forks, WA, indicate that later returning steelhead in the Sol Duc River spawn in the lower reaches of that river. Since there is nearly a seven month adult migration period for winter steelhead, it is conceivable that temporal and spatial spawning hierarchies can exist, and that spawning clines within river systems occur that represent the span of winter steelhead return time. In other words, the earliest returning winter steelhead spawn furthest upstream and as adult return time continues through winter and spring, the adults progressively spawn further down the river system. This may be an evolved steelhead behavior since the evolutionary success of a species is reflected by how well it exploits all available habitat."
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