I agree with previous posts.
Started making my own in 1984- I thought the price was a bit high at the time down at the stores by the barrier dam on the Cowlitz- the only places the original Leo sold them. Some frieds and I tore them apart and have been making our own in quantity ever since. I also tied flies professionally at one time.
There are some great books out on fly and jig making; if your not interested in the endless subleties of fly-tying you really don't need to invest the time for a whole class. You should be able to whip out some jigs with a few directions/pictures from a book.
If you can get your hands on them, there were a couple of articles in past "Salmon Trout Steelheader" magazines detailing jig making for steelhead (June-July 1998 and August-September 1999). I recommend these articles mostly because I wrote 'em. They show how to make a "Leo" type jig with beads and a couple of others.
One type you can make with only yarn and a pipe cleaner; no tying required. Guaranteed to outfish a Leo jig 10-1(not really- inside joke-right, Ben!).
If you want to tie you will need; jigheads/hooks, yarn, chenille, and some jig-tying thread. That's about it. A fly tying vise to hold the hook while you're tying is a necessity, and would be around 20$.
Play around a bit and I'm sure you'll figure out how to make everything stick on the hook long enough to catch fish. And yes, you can catch fish at times on nearly anything stuck on or wrapped around a jig hook. Experimenting is half the fun. I've caught a fair number of fish on just a section of "bait yarn wrapped and tied on the hook.
Have fun. E-mail if you need more ideas.
p.s. Best advice I can give you is to be careful when your buying your hooks or jig heads. Most of them out there are made for bass/panfish etc. and WILL straighten. Don't suffer through the heartbreak of a big cromer turning his head as he's coming to the beach only to spit out a straightened hook! Gamakatsu (the extra-heavy wire) are good. Owner makes a good one. And Eagle Claw O'shaugnessy (in Cabela's, etc) is good in the sizes #1 and up. The standard Mustads all the catalogs have will not hold up!
"It's NOT that much farther than the Cowlitz!"
"I fish, therefore someone else must tend the cooler!"