I havent posted in a while but this is important to upriver sturgeon anglers.

What I am hearing isnt good for upriver sturgeon fishing. It appears that washington is strongly in favor of block closures. Oregon had been in favor of days of the week closures but now might be starting to go towards block closures as well. The block closures they are talking about is closing the entire lower river for march and april. This is a bad idea because it will then reopen in may for astorias peak season with the march and april closure shutting down the upriver peak season. What this will do is to increase the pressure on the estuary drastically and have it shut down early as well. If you like to fish for keepers from a small boat and do it in the upriver areas I suggest you call odfw, wdfw today!!!! They will be deciding this in a couple of days. IT is a much better option to do a days of the week closure and spread the fishing pressure out over a longer period of time and the entire lower columbia river instead of focusing it on just one area and making it the only place that you have a good chance at keeping a fish.

If this happens forget kpoint - t6- horsetail - rooster rock - st helens - trojan and the rest of your upriver keeper spots. Yes they will still be open alot of the year but just not when its the best fishing time of the year for keepers.

Oh and one more thing Washington is pushing oregon to close the Willamette when the columbia is closed as well.

here are a couple of numbers to call - TODAY -
Cindy LeFleur, WDFW
Pat Frazier, ODFW
503-657-2000, ext. 257
Dennis H.