I heard that too!
Apparently the guy from Seattle who bought the 2 ˝ acres that the gravel bar is location on is having a "war" among all the other property owners of their association.
Apparently the new owner has put up signs and a gate across the dirt road that the association members used to use to drive their rigs to the gravel bar. It sounds like the new owner has now stopped them from driving their car or trucks onto the gravel bar. He even called the cops on them!

He can not stop them or the general pubic from using a special 8 foot floating waking and bike easement that the developer had to give to the county when he developed the parcels and convince the the county to abandon the old county road that used to end at the bar. That's why you can still legally walk or ride your bike down the undeveloped county road (Hinkey Rd.) and then walk or ride down the association's common gravel roadway down the floating easement all the way to the gravel bar.
It was illegal for county to abandon any county road that leads to a public water way or port without replacing it with another.
So now the association, until challenged by the land owners, have to access the gravel bar just like you or I do…by foot!
These people truly deserve each other!

So that's the story that I have heard, has anyone heard any different?