The answer to your question it a "big yes'!
I have been working on this issue for well over two years now. I will give you a copy of what our regional director had sent to me late last year by email; "Bob...I checked into the issue and have the following to report.
All the permits are in hand and the design is ready, the only hang up is the Corp permit. It doesn't look like it will get done this year due to the work window closing on Sept. 30.
This is disappointing and frustrating to me well as anglers. There should be no problem getting this accomplished once the window reopens. I will have someone follow up on the COE permit as well.
I know that this will not solve a long standing issue with users, but I promise to keep this on everyone's screen so this does not again fall through the cracks. Your support is much appreciated.
Lee Van Tussenbrook
SW Regional Director
And finally this reply; "The COE in Seattle has the paper work. Either Jack Kennedy or Olivia Romano- PH: 206-764-6907.
Lee Van Tussenbrook
SW Regional Director
Lee is truly a sportsman, and he loves to both hunt and fish. But if we let it fall through the cracks, it will!
I know that Lee would not be offended by posting his email to me…that's why he is a regional director! It will be up to people like you to call the COE and push this issue through if you really want it to happen! I can only do so much; the rest is up to others, like you!
Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????