Maybe it's because I get feeling fat and lazy trolling around all day with a motor (I rowed for salmon for years until a rotator cuff injury), but I don't really mind winding up my Penn downriggers - good therapy for my shoulder, warms you up on a cold day, and Lord knows I need some kind of exercise. And manual Penns are cheap - nobody wants them anymore - you can get all you want for under 100 bucks if you look around - I even saw a pair for $150 or offer once
I kind of believe in minimal electronics and other things on my boat anyway - less to go wrong. I have a manual start motor, no generator, run it off the tiller, and just carry around a battery for the depth sounder, lights, and bilge pump, and plug the battery into the truck occasionally to charge it for free while I'm driving to the launch. I use oars as my backup motor, and also for trolling way down. My GPS runs off of AA batteries, and without any electrical system by boats runs .680 all by itself, so no black box either.
The advantage of all this minimal stuff kind of sunk home this weekend when my buddy lost his steering - steering cable broke and we ran in on the kicker. Well, I don't have a steering cable, so that's just one less thing to break

I kind of feel that way about electric downriggers too - they do catch fire occasionally, don't they DR :p