#192729 - 04/01/03 09:07 PM
Springer season modified!!!
River Nutrients
Registered: 05/06/01
Posts: 2959
Loc: Nisqually
Thanks to Stacie L Kelsey for passing this along: "Two reductions to the Columbia River spring chinook salmon sport season were made today by state fish managers in an effort to lessen the fishery’s impact on protected upriver-origin wild fish.
In the mainstem Columbia River from the Interstate 5 bridge upstream to Bonneville Dam, fishing for chinook, steelhead and shad will close Sunday (April 6) until further notice.
Lower in the river, from Buoy 10 upstream to the Interstate 5 bridge, fishing for chinook will close April 6, but will re-open Wednesdays through Saturdays weekly beginning April 9. "
Carl C.
#192730 - 04/01/03 09:46 PM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Registered: 12/28/99
Posts: 610
Loc: wa., usa
Easy, Tell me this is a bad April Fools joke! I have been hearing rumers that changes were in the works and that a total closure was possible from the Bonni to the Bouy, so at least they have left us some window for fishing!!
M Go Blue!
#192731 - 04/01/03 09:53 PM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
River Nutrients
Registered: 05/06/01
Posts: 2959
Loc: Nisqually
I hope it is not true too. Could be a joke. I think we are going to find out for sure tomorrow.
Carl C.
#192732 - 04/01/03 11:09 PM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Returning Adult
Registered: 03/10/00
Posts: 347
Loc: West of Eden
my understanding was that the original season was slated to go to may 15. I've been debating buying a ticket home to hit the last weekend (may 9-12). looks like I'll be rolling the dice on a non-refundable ride?!!
Chasing old rags 500 miles from home.
#192733 - 04/01/03 11:24 PM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
River Nutrients
Registered: 05/06/01
Posts: 2959
Loc: Nisqually
For Immediate Release Tuesday, April 01, 2003
Columbia River between I-5 and Bonneville Dam to close to spring chinook fishing
PORTLAND - Oregon and Washington fishery managers decided today to close the Columbia River to spring chinook fishing from the Interstate 5 Bridge to Bonneville Dam effective Sunday, April 6. The fishery below the I-5 Bridge was reduced to four days per week beginning April 6.
Anglers may fish for spring chinook below the I-5 Bridge Wednesdays through Saturdays until further notice. The fishery is scheduled to close May 15.
Anglers have made 50 percent more angler trips this year compared to this time last year and landed 9,500 hatchery and wild spring chinook compared to last year's 3,800. As a result, they have used half of the allowed "impact" to upriver wild spring chinook listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act.
"If we didn't take this action today, we would have had to close the fishery entirely by mid-April," said Steve King, salmon fishery manager for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. "We want to keep the fishery going until we get a run update later this month."
The following rules were adopted Tuesday afternoon: Effective Sunday, April 6, the Columbia River is open to the retention of adipose fin-clipped chinook, adipose fin-clipped steelhead and shad Wednesdays through Sundays from the mouth at Buoy 10 upstream to the I-5 Bridge. The Columbia River is closed to chinook, steelhead and shad retention from I-5 to Bonneville Dam. All other permanent and temporary rules related to catch limits and gear restrictions remain in place.
The absence of an adipose fin, a small fleshy fin located between the tail and the dorsal fin, marks the fish as hatchery bred and available to take home.
Fishery managers will meet again Tuesday, April 15, at 2 p.m. to reassess the Columbia River spring chinook sport fishery. At that time, they also will review the number of fish that have passed Bonneville Dam. So far, the dam counts are strong and exceeding expectations. According to King, the preseason forecast of 145,400 may be increased which could lead to additional fishing days.
Fish managers set the Columbia River spring chinook fishery based on the number of fish expected to return from the ocean and the allowable impact to wild stocks. "Impacts" are the unintended mortalities associated with handling and releasing wild fish. A 2001 spring chinook management agreement between the states of Washington and Oregon, NOAA Fisheries and the tribes set the allowable impact levels on the upriver wild fish. The allowed sport fishery impact is 1.11 percent of the total wild run. The sport fishery impacts to date total 0.55 percent.
Much of the fishing effort has been centered in the Columbia River gorge because of higher success rates and clearer water. However, by fishing upstream of the Willamette River mouth, anglers increase the likelihood of handling a upriver wild spring chinook. Biologists estimated that 109,800 spring chinook destined for the Willamette River will enter the Columbia. With muddy water conditions in the Willamette and in the Columbia below the Willamette, anglers moved upstream the past few weeks.
As of March 31, anglers made 77,600 fishing trips to target spring chinook in the Columbia. In those trips, anglers landed 9,500 spring chinook and retained 6,000 hatchery-bred fish. In 2002, anglers made 40,800 trips by this time, landed 3,800 spring chinook and retained 2,100 "keepers
Carl C.
#192734 - 04/01/03 11:24 PM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 09/18/99
Posts: 167
Loc: Ridgefield, WA
Sad to say, it is not a joke.
I called region 5 WDFW and was told about the closures that will take place starting Sunday April 6th. I was told the following:
The area from the mouth to I-5 will close to fishing on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays starting this coming Sunday, April 6.
The area from i-5 to Bonneville will close starting Sunday April 6.
Wind river and Drano will remain open for fishing.
The above is subject to change.
#192735 - 04/01/03 11:55 PM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Registered: 04/02/01
Posts: 493
Loc: sammamish WA
sorry to be obtuse, but does this mean the river will not fish this Sunday, 4/6?
If you leave things up to interpretation, there's no room to be right.
#192736 - 04/02/03 02:08 AM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Returning Adult
Registered: 11/23/01
Posts: 350
Loc: rowers seat
Did I read that right? They are saying it's because of increased sport pressure and not from the gillnetters taking too many...?
If so it's hard to believe...
I smell a cover up by our net happy folks on the Commision, that in my opinion should be standing in an unemployment line, not making a good living off of my tax dollars....
We, as sportfishermen, need to unite!!!
Support our Troops! Will tie jigs for beer...
#192737 - 04/02/03 02:38 AM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Juvenille at Sea
Registered: 10/14/02
Posts: 128
Loc: longview
Funny, why didnt they announce this before i renewed my licence? Hmmm. Insert f-word then b-word with an s. I fish out of Longview and ill tell you out of 7 trips ive hooked one native.And the pressure is nothing like last year. Ive seen 2 thats right 2 caught out of hundreds of boats in the last two three weeks.Theres been some hot days but the fish havent really shown up yet in numbers, oh and they will show up, as soon as they close it down, just like last year they got nervous on there forecast(gillnetters get quotas based on FORECASTS) sportsman get quotas based on real numbers.  So the netters get the pickens and we get the stragglers. Dfw is getting nervous that thier FORECAST has been too high, so theyll resrict it to 4 days and then close it down and then what do you know, there will be 20,000 fish going over Bonneville a day, i guess we will open it back up next week when the numbers fall and oh goody well let the netters back in and everyone will be happy. Im too pis$ed off to type anymore. 
If that fish would have kept his mouth shut, you wouldnt be eating it.
#192739 - 04/02/03 10:58 AM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Registered: 09/24/01
Posts: 769
There still is not any info about this on the WDFW site....
Still looking to me like a good April 1 joke????
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. —Elmer Davis
#192740 - 04/02/03 11:33 AM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Registered: 04/02/01
Posts: 493
Loc: sammamish WA
IT'S TRUE! Confirmed by region 5. The modified schedule goes into effect this Saturday, 4/5 at midnight. Weekend plans shot. I am so pi$$ed!
If you leave things up to interpretation, there's no room to be right.
#192741 - 04/02/03 11:38 AM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 174
Loc: Graham
I got this E-mail last monday from my dad who lives in Cathlamet "Howdy you two, hope all is well, fishing has really picked up so if you want to get into some great fishing better get down in the next week or two. Heard they might close the season early because Commercials took to many. Saw a guide boat catch several nice big fish right behind the house. Fish really big this year several over 30 lbs and most around 20. Got the boat fixed this morning and anxious to get it wet. If I can get out in the next few days will give you a report." Its amazing to me how the State uses sports fishermen as fall guys and never seem to mention the commercial nets. How many unclipped springers have they killed in the nets? Ramprat
Proud Life time N.R.A. member For over 25 years.
#192742 - 04/02/03 12:29 PM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Registered: 12/06/00
Posts: 783
Loc: bullcanyon
How many of you have been checked by a biologist this year down there. I've been down there 7 times this year and have not seen a biologist yet. How in the heck do they know I got a fish or not. They must take all the boat launch tickets multiply it by 4 and carry the 2 divided by the number of fingers on their left hand and come up with the number of fish we got. HOLY SMOKES those idiots drive me nuts. If they're gonna screw me at least the could give me a kiss when they're done.
There's no head like steelhead! Operations manager of coors light testing facility.
#192743 - 04/02/03 12:31 PM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Registered: 12/06/00
Posts: 783
Loc: bullcanyon
How many of you have been checked by a biologist down there? I've been down there 7 times this year and have not seen a biologist yet. How in the heck do they know I got a fish or not. They must take all the boat launch tickets multiply it by 4 and carry the 2 divided by the number of fingers on their left hand and come up with the number of fish we got. HOLY SMOKES those idiots drive me nuts. If they're gonna screw me at least the could give me a kiss when they're done.
There's no head like steelhead! Operations manager of coors light testing facility.
#192744 - 04/02/03 12:32 PM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Returning Adult
Registered: 03/11/99
Posts: 441
Loc: Carson, WA
No joke. http://www.wa.gov/wdfw/fish/regs/fishregs.htm I love the wording.  There is no mention of commercial net impact on protected fish. I am glad I haven't bought a new license yet for my wife and I. We will just wait a bit and buy it last minute, if need be.
#192745 - 04/02/03 12:52 PM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Returning Adult
Registered: 03/11/01
Posts: 419
Loc: Rochester, WA USA
Actually, I was told of this closure about a week ago. A guy I know who works for the department (Joe Hymer) told me this closure was coming. His story was quite a bit different from the "official" press release. Joe told me that they accidentally let the nets take too many fish and that as a result, the sporties were gonna get screwed. Think about that next time you hook one of those big unclipped wild/hatchery springers. Think about weather or not you're gonna release it......
If you get home and I'm not there, don't eat it.
#192746 - 04/02/03 02:25 PM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Registered: 12/28/99
Posts: 610
Loc: wa., usa
Okay, the wording here has me a bit confused and maybe somebody can clear it up for me. Is it leagal to fish below the I-5 Bridge ON Sunday April 6th??
M Go Blue!
#192747 - 04/02/03 03:01 PM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Three Time Spawner
Registered: 12/29/99
Posts: 1604
Loc: Vancouver, Washington
As I read it, the river is open the rest of this week, until Saturday at midnight. Starting at midnight on Saturday it is illegal to fish anywhere on the mainstem Columbia River from Bonneville Dam downstream to Buoy 10. This includes anytime Sunday, April 6, Monday April 7, and Tuesday April 8. So, fishing on the mainstem CR on Saturday is okay but not on Sunday.
The mainstem Columbia River from I-5 downstream to Buoy 10 will open again on Wednesday, April 9 and remain open until midnight, Saturday, April 12. The stretch between I-5 and Bonneville Dam will remain closed until further notice. The bag limits remain the same - two adults.
#192748 - 04/02/03 03:33 PM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Registered: 01/03/03
Posts: 802
Loc: Port Orchard
why the heck is it closed for shad? I already have my vacation set for the end of may.  Hope it opens up again soon.
#192749 - 04/02/03 03:36 PM
Re: Springer season modified!!!
Registered: 01/03/03
Posts: 802
Loc: Port Orchard
Originally posted by glowball: How many of you have been checked by a biologist down there? I've been down there 7 times this year and have not seen a biologist yet. How in the heck do they know I got a fish or not. They must take all the boat launch tickets multiply it by 4 and carry the 2 divided by the number of fingers on their left hand and come up with the number of fish we got. HOLY SMOKES those idiots drive me nuts. If they're gonna screw me at least the could give me a kiss when they're done. Your not to far off. I dont remember the exact formula but its something ridicules like that.
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