The FY03 Interior appropriations bill contains language requiring all National Fish Hatcheries and all hatcheries funded with Federal $$'s to clip all their salmon and steelhead. Presumably this would include any Tribal hatcheries funded with Federal $$'s. (Are BPA funds considered Federal funds?)
However, there's one little problem. It's impossible with current technology and $$'s. The main problem is fall Chinook. Spring Chinook, coho, and steelhead are already marked. But there aren't enough clipping/marking trailers to handle a fraction of the fall Chinook that need to be clipped. They hatch in February and migrate in May, which leaves very little time for the fish to reach clippable size (70mm) before they leave the hatchery (85mm or about three inches). Plus, Spring Creek National Fish Hatchery alone releases 15 million fall Chinook. That's more than all the marking trailers can handle if they worked 24/7 between Feb and May. Plus there are several more hatcheries that release fall Chinook. And they wouldn't be able to clip the coho, spring Chinook or steelhead. It would be nice if things were simple but they aren't.
Whenever politicians get involved in fishery management, things get more difficult. Mr. Dicks is not likely to get what he has mandated without alot more $$'s and some flexibility. Fortunately, he seems to have plenty of both.