Howdy LtlCleo!
You nailed a couple of things.
First, this fishery will be insanely crowded. Put fresh springers into a short stretch (couple miles) of a small "creek" at the foot of a major hatchery, add good boat access and a parallel road with lots of houses, then throw in a warm and sunny spring day near a scenic town with ample shopping for the wife and camping for the kids on a Memorial day weekend and what do you get? A freaking circus that’s what; a real Cirque du Springer!
And as you also pointed out, drifting cut plug herring can be highly effective for springers. But I am sure you would be as amazed as I was to find that you would not be the only one fishing herring on this river. In fact, over the years I have fished there, it would appear to be the preferred method of fishing for Icicle River springers. It certainly accounts for the bulk of our catch over the years. We typically drift ‘em using use a 3 ft leader off a dropper with a large metallic colored corkie and large (4/0 or 5/0) hooks on stout leader and line. Do not go light on this river! Consensus says: herring at the start of the run; shrimp, eggs and whatever later in the run. Bear in mind, it can be a pretty short run though. And don’t count on getting herring in town over the holiday.
If you haven’t fished the Icicle before, what you use will probably be the least of your concerns. Where to fish will be a much bigger problem, especially over the holiday. As you know, springers love the deeper more protected holes, especially when there is a lot of pounding going on (like on M Day). Things may have changed some but I only recall what I would consider 3 bonafide prime stacking holes on the Icicle. One is bank fishing only (very narrow and crowded), one is boat only (no access farm land, also crowded) and the other can be fished by boat or from the bank by private invitation only. Fish passing through the other sections and minor holes will be either spooky or just uninterested. You won’t see a lot of fish caught anywhere but in these major holes on the Icicle, unless it is very early or it’s up in the closed section where the tribe fishes and you can’t go. Your chances of getting one of the prime positions without knowing the precise spot and getting there early are slim to none. Many guys will hold patiently in an adjacent unproductive spot for hours until THE space opens up. Guys in the prime spots absolutely love all the commotion and traffic on the river, which only drives the fish deeper and thicker into their pockets.
I haven’t checked the regs this year, but in the past, a part of the Wenatchee has been opened from the mouth of the Icicle to the boat launch on the Wenatchee. This area was much more open and far more productive, especially on the "flats" across from the golf course. Here the fish were more spread out and it was a larger holding area creating more opportunities for the masses. However, this area can only be reached and fished by boat. But, if it is open, then I would highly recommend concentrating my effort and time there. And while you drift the Icicle to get there you could always check hot spots along the way and make careful notes for future reference. If you’re banking it, you’ll want to check the spots out in advance, commit to one, get there early and stay. Moving around is not a good strategy on this river; the few good spots rarely open up again. Positioning is often a matter of inches, and you WILL fish like everyone else does if you want to stay.
Even though I have often found springer fishing on the Icicle to be rewarding for a few and frustrating for most, I have always found it to be one of the most remarkably beautiful places you can fish this time of year. And these fish (even when dark) are well worth the effort they take to catch. But be sure to bring some good luck, some extra patience and a spare stick of underarm deodorant, if not for you then more than likely for the guy next to you.
Matt. 8:27 The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”