Allright. Enough about hatcheries. For or against it really doesn't matter.

What will ultimately drive wild salmon and trout to extinction is not the presence of hatcheries, but destrution of their habitat.

While we sit here and piss and moan about whether or not hatcheries help or hurt wild fish, real damage is being done to fish habitat.

Habitat destruction clearly hurts wild fish and certainly we can all agree on that. Rather than whine about hatchery fishs or pontificate about wild-hatchery interactions, why not do something that might actually help.

Lets focus on estuary restoration, or breaching dikes, or removal of outdated dams, or placing fish friendly culverts, or riparian zones, or proper loggging practice.

If all you have time or energy for is an email, email your representatives and stress the importance of wild fish and fish habitat to you.

Please-oh-please, lets focus on something besides hatcheries for wild fish recovery, too much hot air (I too am decidedly guilty) has been wasted on the issue of hatcheries.

PS. If you are looking for a pet issue here is one from double haul a couple weeks ago. It apparently recieved little attention.

Pay attention people this is cruicial!

Water issues are going to become increasingly important as the puget sound basin population grows now is the time to act.

Please take a minute to contact or phone your representive regarding these important bills before the Legislature

Don't let Washington give away water that steelhead and salmon need.

We need your help to prevent the passage of two bills in the State legislature that would dramatically weaken Washington State's water laws and hurt wild steelhead and salmon.

Three years ago Governor Locke committed to reform our water laws to benefit people, farms and fish - together. However, based upon the work of the 2003 Legislature, this commitment has fallen by the wayside. The governor and some lawmakers hope to pass these harmful bills in the special session that begins Monday May 12th, 2003.

*Senate Bill 5028 would prohibit the Department of Ecology from enforcing clean water laws against water users whose practices are harming fish, water quality and streams. Many streams in Washington currently do not meet water quality standards as a result of reduced stream flows. Property right owners must comply with clean water laws; so should water right holders.

*House Bill 1338, would provide significant new flexibility and benefits for water purveyors now, while environmental responsibilities would be undefined and put off indefinitely. In essence, the bill elevates municipal water use over stream flow protection, which is necessary to protect fish and water quality.

SB 5028 and HB 1338 are linked together as a "package deal" with HB 1336, a bill that moves watershed planning forward. The package is a bad deal that must be stopped.

Take action to encourage Governor Locke and the legislature to follow the Governor's own principles that supposedly guide his water agenda: reform water law to benefit people, farms, and fish. These bills will undermine this commitment by harming fish. Due to the tight deadline, please consider making a phone call to your elected official in the State legislature.

>> For additional info, see story in Seattle P-I, May 6th :

>> Telephone/fax numbers and mailing addresses for your state representatives and senators can be found at

>> To find out the elected officials for your district of the state, see:

I am writing to express my opposition to the package deal of water bills scheduled for special session, in particular the bill that would exempt water users from clean water laws (SB 5028).
SB 5028 would prohibit the state from enforcing clean water laws against water users whose practices are harming fish, water quality and streams. Many streams in Washington currently do not meet water quality standards as a result of reduced stream flows. Property right owners must comply with clean water laws; so should water right holders.
SB 5028 would take away our state's authority to assure our streams are cool and clean for wild salmon and other fish. Lets keep our streams clean for salmon and people. Washington needs the full Clean Water Act to protect our precious water quality.
Please oppose 5028 and the water deal in the special session.
Dig Deep!