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#200237 - 06/11/03 11:14 AM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
goharley Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army
Originally posted by stlhead:
I'm sure this same crowd bashed Clinton up and down for lying. Why is lying OK now?
Clinton lying = maybe some dead sperm cells

Bush lying = 130+ dead American soldiers and counting
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.

#200238 - 06/11/03 11:27 AM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
Pmartin Offline

Registered: 09/24/01
Posts: 769
Harley, Pull your head out just for a second, please. beathead

After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which killed six and injured 1,000, President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and injured 5,000, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

Perhaps if Clinton had kept his promises, over 3,000 people would be alive today.

In 1996 the government of Sudan had Osama bin Laden in their custody and offered to hand him over to the United States. Bill Clinton and his liberal cohorts elected not to take the Sudanese up on their offer. Why? Because they couldn't figure out a legal means of trying him! But Clinton sure knew how to argue the meaning of is!

Everything was more important than fighting terrorism. Political correctness, civil liberties concerns, fear of offending the administration's supporters, Janet Reno's objections, considerations of cost, worries about racial profiling and, in the second term, surviving impeachment, all came before fighting terrorism.
- Dick Morris, New York Post, Jan. 2, 2002

This is a soul so small God Himself cannot perceive it without a magnifying glass.
- Deb Weiss, Drudge Report, October 16, 2001


PS Harley, Ynot... How's Billarys new book?
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
—Elmer Davis

#200239 - 06/11/03 12:03 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
h2o Offline

Registered: 10/31/02
Posts: 2449
Loc: Portland
"Clinton...Never served. Hid out in Englad doing bong hits"

I guess if you consider hiding out in Texas doing rails 'serving', you've got us there....

"Christmas is an American holiday." - micropterus101

#200240 - 06/11/03 12:18 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
Pmartin Offline

Registered: 09/24/01
Posts: 769
LOL rolleyes rolleyes beathead beathead thumbs cry
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
—Elmer Davis

#200241 - 06/11/03 12:19 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
goharley Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 3188
Loc: U.S. Army

rofl rofl You really need to take those blinders off. Of course you may get out of step, then.
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.

#200242 - 06/11/03 12:29 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
BW Offline

Registered: 04/04/00
Posts: 749
Just for the record Clinton did try to get Bin Ladin. Every once in a while you would hear about a cruse missile launched into Afganistan or someplace else. He wanted to get it done with limited risk to our military.

But what I find strange is how everybody thinks thier party (which ever it is) has some kind of monapoly on the truth.
Everyone's superman behind the keyboard

#200243 - 06/11/03 01:56 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
racerdan Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 10/14/02
Posts: 128
Loc: longview
You really need to take those blinders off. Of course you may get out of step, then.
Now class, that is an excellent example of the "pot calling the kettle black"
If that fish would have kept his mouth shut, you wouldnt be eating it.

#200244 - 06/11/03 01:59 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
Rob Allen Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/10/03
Posts: 311
Loc: Vancouver WA
Ok folks i didn't read the thread but here is the deal.

The Bush administration sold us on the idea of war with Iraq based on that regimes threat directly to the United States of America via it's use of wepons of mass destruction. I was there I saw powell, cheney rumsfeld and bush all make that as their primary reason for the wayr. The primary reason for spending billions of dollars we didn't have, invading another country angainst the will of our"allies". That the reason we sent our patriotic young men and women to fight thats why they killed Iraqi's in my name, Thats why they said they were sending our young men and women to die. Thats why our men and women did such a wonderful job fpr us as we all knew they would.

As of yet no wepons of mass destruction... If thoes wepons are not found then the primary reason we went to war was false and in my opinion most likely a flat out lie. IF!!!!! that turns outto be the case the Bush administration it completely imcompetent or they are evil. Take your pick and when you are given the opportunity vote accordingly...

Oh wait wanna perdiction???? After bush gets re-elected then they will come out and say Iraq had no wmd's proving once again they they do not care about Americans or America they are only evil selfish little men.

hopefully i am wrong but i don't think so

#200245 - 06/11/03 02:08 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
racerdan Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 10/14/02
Posts: 128
Loc: longview
Rob, there is no disputing that he "had" them. Its just he never accounted to the U.N. as to what he did to them, like he was supposed to. (remember he gassed the Kurds) so he did have them, but no one knows what became of them. Did he destroy them? doubt it because he would have told the U.N if he would have complied, otherwise why comply? He either shipped them off to Syria or he buried them someplace in the desert? Who knows. Maybe someday we may.
If that fish would have kept his mouth shut, you wouldnt be eating it.

#200246 - 06/11/03 02:14 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
BW Offline

Registered: 04/04/00
Posts: 749
Well you see racerdan he did tell the UN that he had distroyed them. A number of times. It's just after everything he did in the past no one believed him.
Everyone's superman behind the keyboard

#200248 - 06/11/03 02:28 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
racerdan Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 10/14/02
Posts: 128
Loc: longview
He told them? Come on, he was suppose to prove that he destroyed them and he never did. The only thing he proved he desroyed were the some Al-samoud missles.
If that fish would have kept his mouth shut, you wouldnt be eating it.

#200249 - 06/11/03 02:37 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
Rob Allen Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/10/03
Posts: 311
Loc: Vancouver WA
Your right Aunty.. There are dozens of reasons to not re elect him... When it comes to terrorism investigations and civil liberties i say... Protect my freedom and let me worry about protecting my life... I'd rather live free with terrorists running around than to life under the watchful eye of the government Ohhh and still have terrorists running around even if some do get caught..

#200250 - 06/11/03 02:40 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
racerdan Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 10/14/02
Posts: 128
Loc: longview
This is what i think about the Patriot act 2

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin
If that fish would have kept his mouth shut, you wouldnt be eating it.

#200251 - 06/11/03 03:51 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
jimh Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 11/08/02
Posts: 443
Loc: Area 8-1 to 13, WA
Let's assume that we don't vote for Bush. Who do you suggest we should vote for?
Wear a PFD if you want to live.

#200252 - 06/11/03 04:17 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
Pmartin Offline

Registered: 09/24/01
Posts: 769
Okay, I am converted. Bush is the BIG evil monster and Sadam was just in the wrong place at the wrong time... Poor guy. He never had WMD's. That was Bush gassing the Kurds and blaming it on Sadam. ya, that's it... And it was Bush and co that were killing all the civilians that spoke out against Sadam. Ya, ya, that's it. And it was Bush and co that made up that Sadam was breaking 1141 for about 10 years or so.....And it was Bush and co that had to make up this story to the UN so that we can get this poor sweet Sadam out of his beautiful country and it had nothing to do with the fact that France and Germany had BILLIONS tied up in it. My eyes are swelling as I sit here and think of the atrocities that my country and elected leaders have brought down on those poor Iraqi's... maybe we should bomb ourselves for a few weeks so we can all fell better. Or we can just hold hands a light a candle? How was I so blind? The blinders I think were it.. How did it get so bad? Why did I think we were actually doing SOME good? I shall now repent and give myself 50 lashes, pick a daisy, buy some Birkenstocks, not take a shower for a week and I think I will fit right in?

Gee, thanks people, you are so right!! I see that light now. My blinders are off, I am out of step and walking blindly into the light of FREEDOM....

PS. Anyone know where I can get one of those Impeach Bush signs? I am also looking for a signed copy of Hillary Clintons new book to replace my signed copy of Colin Powells book, if you know of one please send me the 411. hello
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
—Elmer Davis

#200253 - 06/11/03 04:21 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?

World Wide Public Opinion of the United States is not important. Reasons why as follows;

1. We are the great consumer. If you piss us off we wont import your products. How Much do we export anyways in relation to what we import? It dosent matter if you like us or hate us because if you want your government to succeed you will make sure the United States is still consuming your products or you wont have much of a government.

2. We feed the world. We have the recources to feed the entire world within our nation. We do feed most of it and we do it for nothing. We still even feed the ones who hate us.

3. The world economy revolves around us becuase agian we are the great consumer.

4. At any time we could cutt everyone off, and not import any goods into our nation and be completely self sufficient. Yes we would suffer somewhat and not have all the money we have now but we could do it. The rest of the world would crash. No more food, no more medicine so on and so on.

This is why world opinion of us dosent matter. the UN, NATO, and other such groups are nothing without US money and goods. They can hate us all they want but their way of life couldnt survive without us.

#200254 - 06/11/03 04:38 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
BW Offline

Registered: 04/04/00
Posts: 749
Let's see. OPEC could kick the price of oil up out of spite.

Any number of countries could kick our military off the bases in side thier boundries.

And that is just the start. Even Pres Bush could through out some reasons. I am sorry but the whole world dosn't revolve around us.

If you piss off everyone pretty soon it will not be safe for any of use to go any where.

Good grief, talk about an over blown opinion of our selves.
Everyone's superman behind the keyboard

#200255 - 06/11/03 04:41 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
BW Offline

Registered: 04/04/00
Posts: 749
And besides that, our military is good. But even they could not stand against the whole world with out dropping the bomb.
Everyone's superman behind the keyboard

#200256 - 06/11/03 05:14 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
h2o Offline

Registered: 10/31/02
Posts: 2449
Loc: Portland
Rich -

Its interesting to me how closely our opinions match on issues related to fishing and that we can so be so far apart on the political issues.

The idea that United States could be self-sufficient is just plain wrong though, my friend.

What you are suggesting would mean we could not export our goods to the rest of the world either.

Ahem.....bye-bye Boeing, bye-bye Microsoft, bye-bye Intel and every other major corporation in the united states. Say goodbye to international travel....airline industry? See ya!

And we would get our oil from.......?

World opinion does not matter? You will hate that I say this but...this is exactly the kind of overly-nationalistic patriotism that the Germans encouraged during WWII. As if to say that we are SUPERIOR to other countries, cultures and races.

Very, very dangerous territory and exactly the reason Americans are so unpopular overseas. Because in general terms our arrogance is only matched by our military might, which I'm sorry to say, is not invincible. We've just chosen some pretty winnable wars to participate in over the last few years.

Short of Nuclear attack how would we impose our will on say the North Koreans? Conventional warfare?

What an opportune time for the Chinese to attack that would be, eh?

So what right?
"Christmas is an American holiday." - micropterus101

#200257 - 06/11/03 05:21 PM Re: WMD was that really important anyway?
John Lee Hookum Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/12/01
Posts: 2453
Loc: Area 51
We used to impeach Liars!!!!! confused

Bush and Company have lied to the American People in trying to justify the unjustifiable. Threats surrounding WMD in Iraq were wildly overblown by the Bush Adm. for purley political reasons. hello

Remember the sing-a-long called Bomb Iraq?

If you can not find Osama, bomb Iraq
If the Markets are a drama, bomb Iraq
If your politics are sleezy, and..........
Bomb Iraq, bomb Iraq, bomb Irag laugh

anyway a lot of you already know this sing-a-long from some of the pre-Iraqi War threads where there were intense discussions regarding this mess. eek

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein

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