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#200734 - 06/14/03 01:06 AM Re: Bush Administration Parks Policy Report Card
ET Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 11/21/01
Posts: 387
Loc: Tacoma
It always amazes me to see how quickly a Republican president is able to destroy the environment.

Clinton saved the environment in eight years and Bush has destroyed it in two.... man those guys are incredible!! Give me a break.

For either side to say their argument is based in fact and not politically driven is hogwash.

And because political dimwits continue to buy into this hogwash, we are forced to choose between two parties that are elected based on what they say and not what they do.

#200735 - 06/14/03 09:11 AM Re: Bush Administration Parks Policy Report Card
grandpa2 Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
It is amazing how the president can be blamed for things like he did them himself if it is bad to benefit the democrats/socialists/greens etc...

Then if and when the prescription drug bill passes and he signs it and takes credit for it the same crowd will claim that the democratic congress or the party as a whole is responsible for it.

I am very environmentally conscious and disagree with so much of the environmental policies of the last many years but , at the moment, haven't done enough research to make blanket statements of blame or credit in anyone's favor or to anyone's detriment..

So I resort to my "usual tactics" of making fun of H2O and his bizarre persona and ideas.

I think socialists are dangerous and need intensive counselling, perhaps institutional confinement.

Stop trying to sell the Karl Marx manifesto...
I'm not buying
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#200736 - 06/14/03 01:07 PM Re: Bush Administration Parks Policy Report Card
Slab Quest Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 08/17/01
Posts: 1614
Loc: Mukilteo or Westport

The RFA is a group of lawers and lobbyists who are paid to play the political game on behalf of us sportfishermen. Their goal is to avoid party politics and concentrate on pushing legislation that benefits anglers.

Since you sometimes pretend to be a fisherman, why don't you write the RFA a FACTUAL letter and explain to them how they are misguided in supporting Bush's action.

Please post the letter here.

#200737 - 06/14/03 01:28 PM Re: Bush Administration Parks Policy Report Card
eddie Offline

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 2394
Loc: Valencia, Negros Oriental, Phi...
Well, being one of the resident Marxists (my friends call me Fidel smile ) I have to weigh in on this. I'm reminded of the saying "even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while". If the RFA is supporting Bush on this one, I say good job GW. You're still way overloaded on the debit side of the ledger, but it's great to see that you are not a total ideologue. I would like to see him turn his environmental quality arguement to Americans though. Someone that he actually has some control over.
"You're not a g*dda*n looney Martini, you're a fisherman"

R.P. McMurphy - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

#200738 - 06/14/03 02:18 PM Re: Bush Administration Parks Policy Report Card
Slab Quest Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 08/17/01
Posts: 1614
Loc: Mukilteo or Westport

It is refreshing to see an intellegent and humourous response. Thank you.

While I usually vote Republican, I certainly do not automatically support everything that every R does or denounce everthing that D's do.

For example, I disliked many of Reagan's policies and felt that Carter inherited an economic time bomb from Nixon/Ford.

I participated in the very first "Earth Day" but I feel that some of our current "environmental" laws do more harm than good in the big picture.

I feel sorry for people whose opinions are driven by blind hatred.

#200739 - 06/14/03 03:10 PM Re: Bush Administration Parks Policy Report Card
Dave D Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/04/01
Posts: 3563
Loc: Gold Bar
President Bush Actions During
First 6 Months in Office

Significantly eased field-testing controls of genetically engineered crops (Village Voice, 2/13/01).

Cut federal spending on libraries by $39 million (Dallas Morning News, 4/13/01).

Cut $35 million in funding for doctors to get advanced pediatric training (Washington Post, 4/10/01).

Cut by 50 percent funding for research into renewable energy sources (Washington Post, 4/10/01).

Intended to revoke rules that reduced the acceptable levels of arsenic in drinking water (Washington Post, 3/30/01 &#8212; according to Internet-posted information,[1] Bush did back off on this and it did not take effect).

Blocked rules that would require federal agencies to offer bilingual assistance to non-English-speaking persons (this was a candidate who readily fired up his Spanish-speaking skills in front of would-be Hispanic voters (New York Times, 3/24/01).

Proposed to eliminate new marine protections for the Channel Islands and the coral reefs of northwest Hawaii (San Francisco Chronicle, 4/6,01).

Cut funding by 28 percent for research into cleaner, more efficient cars and trucks (Washington Post, 4/10/01).

Suspended rules that would have strengthened the government's ability to deny contracts to companies that violated workplace safety, environmental and other federal laws (Washington Post, 3/31/01).

Okayed Interior Department appointee Gale Norton to send out letters to state officials soliciting suggestions for opening up national monuments for oil and gas drilling, coal mining, and foresting (MSNBC, 3/28/2001).

Appointed John Negroponte &#8212; an unindicted high-level Iran Contra figure &#8212; to the post of United Nations ambassador (MSNBC, 3/24/01).

Abandoned a campaign pledge to invest $100 million for rainforest conservation (Boston Globe, 4/10/2001).

Reduced by 86 percent the Community Access Program for public hospitals, clinics, and providers of care for people without insurance (Washington Post, 4/10/01).

Rescinded a proposal to increase public access to information about the potential consequences resulting from chemical plant accidents (New York Times, 3/27/01).

Suspended rules that would require hardrock miners to clean up sites on Western public lands (Reuters, 3/21/01).

Cut $60 million from a Boys' and Girls' Clubs of America program for public housing (Washington Post, 4/12/01).

Proposed to eliminate a federal program (successfully used in Seattle) designed to help communities prepare for natural disasters (CNN, 3/1/01).

Pulled out of the 1997 Kyoto Treaty global warming agreement (Washington Post, 3/28/01).

Cut $200 million of work force training for dislocated workers (Los Angeles Times, 4/6/01).

Eliminated funding for the Wetlands Reserve Program, which encourages farmers to maintain wetlands habitat on their property (Washington Post, 4/10/01).

Cut program to provide childcare to low-income families as they move from welfare to work (New York Times, 3/22/01).

Cut a program that provided prescription contraceptive coverage to federal employees (though it still pays for Viagra) (Associated Press, 4/11/01).

Cut $700 million in capital funds for repairs in public housing (Washington Post, 4/10/01).

Appointed Otto Reich &#8212; an unindicted high-level Iran Contra figure &#8212; to Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (MSNBC, 3/25/01).

Cut Environmental Protection Agency budget by $500 million (Washington Post, 4/10/01).

Proposed to curtail the ability of groups to sue in order to get an animal placed on the Endangered Species List (Washington Post, 4/12/01).

Rescinded rule that mandated increased energy-saving efficiency regulations for central air conditioners and heat pumps (Washington Post, 4/14/01).

Repealed workplace ergonomic rules designed to improve worker health and safety (Reuters, 3/20/01).

Abandoned campaign pledge to regulate carbon dioxide (CO2), the waste gas that contributes to global warming (New York Times, 3/20/01).

Banned federal aid to international family planning programs that offer abortion counseling with other independent funds (New York Times, 1/21/01).

Closed White House Office for Women's Health Initiatives and Outreach (Washington Post, 3/29/01).

Nominated David Lauriski &#8212; ex-mining company executive &#8212; to post of Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health.

Okayed Interior Secretary Gale Norton to go forth with a controversial plan to auction oil and gas development tracts off the coast eastern of Florida (Associated Press, 4/19/01).

Announced intention to open up Montana's Lewis and Clark National Forest to oil and drilling (Missoula Independent, 4/12/01).

Proposed to re-draw boundaries of nation's monuments, which would technically allow oil and gas drilling "outside" of national monuments.

Gutted White House AIDS Office.

Began renegotiation of free trade agreement with Jordan to eliminate safeguards for the environment and workers' rights (Washington Post, 4/10/01).

Stated that he will no longer seek guidance from the American Bar Association in recommendations for federal judiciary appointments.

Appointed recycling foe Lynn Scarlett as Undersecretary of the Interior.

Took steps to abolish the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

Cut the Community Oriented Policing Services program (Los Angeles Times, 3/30/01).

Allowed Interior Secretary Gale Norton to shelve citizen-led grizzly bear re-introduction plan scheduled for Idaho and Montana wilderness (Washington Post, 4/25/01).

Took steps to hold up federal funding for stem cell research projects (Boston Globe, 4/25/01).

Under Bush plan, convicted misdemeanor drug users cannot get financial aid for college, but convicted murderers can (American Prospect, 4/20/01).

Refused to fund continued cleanup of uranium-slag heap in Utah (Los Angeles Times, 4/24/01).

Refused to fund continued litigation of the government's tobacco company lawsuit (Associated Press, 4/26/2001).

Proposed a $2 trillion tax cut, of which 43 percent will go to the wealthiest of Americans.

Bush-appointed Vice President Cheney was quoted as saying, "If you want to do something about carbon dioxide emissions, then you ought to build nuclear power plants" (on "Meet the Press").

Appointed Diana ("There is no gender gap in pay") Roth to the Council of Economic Advisers (Boston Globe, March 28, 2001).

Appointed Kay Cole James &#8212; an opponent of affirmative action &#8212; to direct the Office of Personnel Management (Boston Globe, 3/28/01).

Cut $15.7 million earmarked for states to investigate cases of child abuse and neglect (New York Times, 3/23/01).

Helped kill a law designed to make it tougher for teenagers to get credit cards (New York Times, 3/23/01).

Proposed elimination of the "Reading Is Fundamental" program that gives free books to poor children (Associated Press, 4/25/01).

Began pushing for development of small nuclear weapons to attack deeply buried targets &#8212; weapons which would violate the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (American Physical Society, 4/22/01).

Proposed to nominate Jeffrey Sutton &#8212; attorney responsible for the recent case weakening the Americans with Disabilities Act &#8212; to federal appeals court judgeship (USA Today, 3/23/01).

Proposed to reverse regulation protecting 60 million acres of national forest from logging and road building (Washington Post, 4/26/01).

Eliminated funding for the "We the People" education program, which taught schoolchildren about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and citizenship (St. Petersburg Times, 5/1/01).

Appointed John Bolton &#8212; who opposes nonproliferation treaties and the United Nations &#8212; to Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security (Boston Globe, 4/2/01).

Nominated Linda Fisher &#8212; an executive with Monsanto &#8212; for the number two job at the Environmental Protection Agency (Reuters, 5/1/01).

Nominated Michael McConnell &#8212; leading critic of the separation of church and state &#8212; to a federal judgeship (Detroit Free Press, 5/11/01).

Nominated Terrence Boyle &#8212; ardent opponent of civil rights &#8212; to a federal judgeship (Detroit Free Press, 5/11/01).

Canceled 2004 deadline for automakers to develop prototype high mileage cars (Mercury News, 5/11/01).

Nominated Harvey Pitts &#8212; lawyer for teen sex video distributor &#8212; to head SEC (Washington Post, 5/11/01).

Nominated John Walters &#8212; strong opponent of prison drug treatment programs &#8212; for Drug Czar (Washington Post, May 16, 2001) (Washington Post, 5/16/01).

Nominated J. Steven Giles &#8212; an oil and coal lobbyist &#8212; for Deputy Secretary of the Interior (Washington Post, 5/16/01).

Nominated Bennett Raley &#8212; who advocates repealing the Endangered Species Act &#8212; for Assistant Secretary for Water and Science (Washington Post, 5/16/01).

Began seeking dismissal of the class-action lawsuit filed in the U.S. against Japan by Asian women forced to work as sex slaves during WWII (Washington Post, 5/14/01).

Earmarked $4 million in new federal grant money for HIV and drug abuse prevention programs to go only to religious groups and not secular equivalents (Associated Press, 5/16/01).

Reduced by 40 percent the Low Income Home Assistance Program for low-income individuals who need assistance paying energy bills (Salon, 5/18/01).

Nominated Ted Olson &#8212; who has repeatedly lied about his involvement with the Scaife-funded "Arkansas Project" to bring down Bill Clinton &#8212; for Solicitor General (Salon, 5/18/01).

Nominated Terrance Boyle &#8212; foe of civil rights &#8212; to a federal judgeship (Washington Post, 5/18/01).

Proposed to ease permit process &#8212; including environmental considerations &#8212; for refinery, nuclear, and hydroelectric dam construction (Washington Post, May 18, 2001) (Washington Post, 5/18/01).

Proposed to give government the authority to take private property through eminent domain for power lines (Washington Post, 5/18/01).

Proposed that $1.2 billion in funding for alternative renewable energy come from selling oil and gas lease tracts in the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve (Washington Post, 5/18/01).

Forced out Forest Service chief Mike Dombeck and appointed a timber industry lobbyist in his place.
Lead Thrower

#200740 - 06/14/03 03:40 PM Re: Bush Administration Parks Policy Report Card
Wild Chrome Offline

Registered: 12/14/01
Posts: 640
Loc: The Tailout
What, that's all? :p
If every fisherman would pick up one piece of trash, we'd have cleaner rivers and more access.

#200741 - 06/15/03 02:17 AM Re: Bush Administration Parks Policy Report Card
ET Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 11/21/01
Posts: 387
Loc: Tacoma

Please tell us where that list comes from!

#200742 - 06/15/03 03:22 AM Re: Bush Administration Parks Policy Report Card
Nailknot Offline

Registered: 01/16/03
Posts: 85
Loc: Seattle
I only wish GW had the ethics and character of his father, who was an outstanding environmental president. This apple dropped a long way from the tree. GW is the suburban president. Big business and land abuse. He's no true Conservative that's for certain. What ever happened to the values of the Republican party?! I don't see them in the White House. Why bother worrying about PETA when our fish and land are being destroyed anyway?

#200743 - 06/15/03 10:47 AM Re: Bush Administration Parks Policy Report Card
grandpa2 Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
So LT what's your point?
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#200744 - 06/15/03 11:52 PM Re: Bush Administration Parks Policy Report Card
Dave D Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/04/01
Posts: 3563
Loc: Gold Bar
My point was simply to show information.

If you look down the list of things Bush has cut funding for his record can stand for itself on whether or not you think he has done good for the enviroment.
Lead Thrower

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