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#201202 - 06/16/03 02:15 PM Paying to punch
driftinforchrome Offline

Registered: 02/07/03
Posts: 40
Was the idea passed that each additional punch card (after the first one is filled) will cost 5-10$ for each punch card after the first one? confused mad fight

#201203 - 06/16/03 02:19 PM Re: Paying to punch
DUROBOAT15 Offline

Registered: 09/08/02
Posts: 812
Loc: des moines
YES $10
Chinook are the Best all else pale in comparison!!!!!

#201204 - 06/16/03 06:54 PM Re: Paying to punch
Chum Man Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 11/07/99
Posts: 2689
Loc: Yelmish
because the general fund can always use more money!

#201205 - 06/16/03 07:22 PM Re: Paying to punch
Cigar Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 09/01/01
Posts: 354
Loc: Shoreline, Wa.
Chum Man,

That is NOT general fund money. It is detacated to research.

"Always on a mission to go fishin"

#201206 - 06/16/03 07:52 PM Re: Paying to punch
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington
Yea, right!

Research to see how they can keep increasing our fees without doing $hit for it! How did we all live so long without WDFW doing all that "research"?

What's wrong with WDFW just telling the truth and just saying; bad times; need more money to keep our jobs; and if you are dumb enough to buy that crock of $hit . . . then great!

What a bunch of hockey puck! It's all about money and keeping their jobs on this one and nothing else!!


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

#201208 - 06/16/03 08:37 PM Re: Paying to punch
grandpa2 Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
Actually the $10 increase in our salmon licenses some years ago was supposed to be for the program that retains blackmouth in Puget Sound to "enhance" fishing in Puget Sound with the dream that fishing could occur 12 months out of the year...Well years of disastrous fisheries management and over fishing have made that a distant dream at best. The enhancement money was soon gobbled up by the general fund so we could afford those $800,000 outhouses in Pioneer Square for the winoes to pee in instead of on the street and various other "services"...Now the new law mandates that the additional revenue stays in the department. What they really do with it remains to be seen. There will be considerable financial strains coming up with hatchery reform and ESA compliance so maybe it will help. I personally haven't ever filled a punch card but I think the number of slots has diminished over the years.
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#201209 - 06/16/03 08:46 PM Re: Paying to punch
Blackbart Offline

Registered: 03/21/03
Posts: 18
Loc: Duvall, Wa.
Sounds to me like no money is safe with the stae or WDFW. This sounds just like the duck stamp money that has never been accounted for.

#201210 - 06/16/03 10:16 PM Re: Paying to punch
Mike Gilchrist Offline
Juvenile at Sea

Registered: 06/19/01
Posts: 172
Loc: Federal Way
An interesting little bit of info most don't know, this increase was sponcerd by sportfishing as legislation and supported by all sportfishing groups that spend any time doing any work in Olympia. It was done specifically for the purpose of trying to minimize or eliminate further cuts to hatcheries and the money goes into the wildlife account. So if you dont like it, blame sportfishing groups, blame your legislators, or well, blame me.
Mike Gilchrist

#201211 - 06/16/03 11:11 PM Re: Paying to punch
rattlefish Offline

Registered: 03/01/03
Posts: 57
Loc: granite falls
hey Mike,
so your to blame!

well thank you very much I appraciate your work. finaly an organization that realizes that services are not free.
last I heard it cost $500 for each hatchery fish we bonk on the head. I have even heard one politican who wanted to use this study to make us pay for each fish we killed(duh, he lost the election) he also wanted "the user" to pay the whole bill for saveing wild fish and to pay for "buying and up keep" of all ramps,parks,campgrounds and all. I would blow him and his ideas off as a nutcase except all these "user fees" keep going up because no one wants "their taxes" to pay for "those programs."
My perfect politican would fund the hatcheries so we could release as many fish as we did in the 70's and if he needed to raise my taxes for this so what. if he then took some of the extra taxes to build an outhose for bums so what. as long as I have some fish to catch and still have money to go fishing I'm happy.

#201212 - 06/17/03 02:16 PM Re: Paying to punch
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington

Please read this and jump in with your opin!

Well Mike, 99% of the time I usually agree with you on most issues, but not this one, this time!

I reread House Bill 1725 (the bill that authorized the fee increase) and couldn't fine one single mention about that money being used for the purpose of "supporting" our hatcheries! If that was indeed the case, I would not be writing his reply right now.

Its interest that you have stated that; ". . . An interesting little bit of info most don't know, this increase was sponcerd by sportfishing as legislation and supported by all sportfishing groups that spend any time doing any work in Olympia. It was done 'specifically for the purpose of trying to minimize or eliminate further cuts to hatcheries' and the money goes into the wildlife account."

That's A good one, the "Wildlife account"! What is the "wildlife account" and what is it being used for?

Thanks to grandpa, I have reposted Bill 1725. If you will notice, there is absolutely NO MENTION at all about using this extra fee for prevention, closing, or cutting back on our hatcheries. Read thought it and show us where that is authorized!

After you have read it, will discuss how I believe this bill is really nothing more than a money maker to be used for whatever WDFW feels like using it for! In my opinion, Bill 1725 has been misrepresented to you and the sport fishers. Here is what the bill says:


Passed Legislature - 2003 Regular Session

State of Washington 58th Legislature 2003 Regular Session By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Cooper and Upthegrove)


AN ACT Relating to catch record cards; amending RCW 77.32.430 and 77.32.256; and providing an effective date.


Sec. 1. RCW 77.32.430 and 1998 c 191 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:

(1) Catch record cards necessary for proper management of the state's food fish and game fish species and shellfish resources shall be administered under rules adopted by the commission and issued at no charge for the initial catch record card and ten dollars for each subsequent catch record card. A duplicate catch record costs ten dollars.

(2) Catch record cards issued with affixed temporary short-term charter stamp licenses are not subject to the ten-dollar charge as provided in this section. Charter boat or guide operators issuing temporary short-term charter stamp licenses shall affix the stamp to each catch record card issued before fishing commences. Catch record cards issued with a temporary short-term charter stamp are valid for two consecutive days.

(3) The department shall include provisions for recording marked and unmarked salmon in catch record cards issued after March 31, 2004.

(4) The funds received from the sale of catch record cards must be deposited into the wildlife fund.

Sec. 2. RCW 77.32.256 and 2002 c 222 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

The director shall by rule establish the conditions and fees for issuance of duplicate licenses, rebates, permits, tags, and stamps required by this chapter. The fee for duplicate licenses, rebates, permits, tags, and stamps, except catch record cards, may not exceed the actual cost to the department for issuing the duplicate.

NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. This act takes effect April 1, 2004.

So where in the devil does it say that this money will be going to help or prevent the cutting back of our hatcheries? I have been researching the RCW's all morning, and I can not find any rule or law that states where this "wildlife fund" is to be spent!

So AuntyM, If you are out there, this may be of some interest to you. It appears that the "wildlife funds" can be used to pay all the in lieu land taxes on those 8.2 million dollars of worth of property that the state has purchased.

RCW 77.12.190
Diversion of wildlife fund moneys prohibited.
Moneys in the state wildlife fund may be used only for the purposes of this title, including the payment of principal and interest on bonds issued for capital projects.

RCW 77.12.201
Counties may elect to receive an amount in lieu of taxes -- County to record collections for violations of law or rules -- Deposit.
The legislative authority of a county may elect, by giving written notice to the director and the treasurer prior to January 1st of any year, to obtain for the following year an amount in lieu of real property taxes on game lands as provided in RCW 77.12.203 . Upon the election, the county shall keep a record of all fines, forfeitures, reimbursements, and costs assessed and collected, in whole or in part, under this title for violations of law or rules adopted pursuant to this title and shall monthly remit an amount equal to the amount collected to the state treasurer for deposit in the public safety and education account established under RCW 43.08.250. The election shall continue until the department is notified differently prior to January 1st of any year

RCW 77.12.203
In lieu payments authorized -- Procedure -- Game lands defined.
(1) Notwithstanding RCW 84.36.010 or other statutes to the contrary, the director shall pay by April 30th of each year on game lands in each county, if requested by an election under RCW 77.12.201 , an amount in lieu of real property taxes equal to that amount paid on similar parcels of open space land taxable under chapter 84.34 RCW or the greater of seventy cents per acre per year or the amount paid in 1984 plus an additional amount for control of noxious weeds equal to that which would be paid if such lands were privately owned. This amount shall not be assessed or paid on department buildings, structures, facilities, game farms, fish hatcheries, tidelands, or public fishing areas of less than one hundred acres.
(2) "Game lands," as used in this section and RCW 77.12.201 , means those tracts one hundred acres or larger owned in fee by the department and used for wildlife habitat and public recreational purposes. All lands purchased for wildlife habitat, public access or recreation purposes with federal funds in the Snake River drainage basin shall be considered game lands regardless of acreage.
(3) This section shall not apply to lands transferred after April 23, 1990, to the department from other state agencies

RCW 77.12.230
Local assessments against department property.
The director may pay lawful local improvement district assessments for projects that may benefit wildlife or wildlife-oriented recreation made against lands held by the state for department purposes. The payments may be made from money appropriated from the state wildlife fund to the department

RCW 77.04.020
Composition of department -- Powers and duties.
The department consists of the state fish and wildlife commission and the director. The commission may delegate to the director any of the powers and duties vested in the commission.
[2000 c 107 § 202; 1996 c 267 § 32; 1993 sp.s. c 2 § 59; 1987 c 506 § 4; 1980 c 78 § 3; 1955 c 36 § 77.04.020. Prior: 1947 c 275 § 2; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 5992-12.]
NOTES: Intent -- Effective date -- 1996 c 267: See notes following RCW 77.12.177.
Effective date -- 1993 sp.s. c 2 §§ 1-6, 8-59, and 61-79: See RCW 43.300.900.
Severability -- 1993 sp.s. c 2: See RCW 43.300.901.
Legislative findings and intent -- 1987 c 506: "Washington's fish and wildlife resources are the responsibility of all residents of the state. We all benefit economically, recreationally, and aesthetically from these resources. Recognizing the state's changing environment, the legislature intends to continue to provide opportunities for the people to appreciate wildlife in its native habitat. However, the wildlife management in the state of Washington shall not cause a reduction of recreational opportunity for hunting and fishing activities. The paramount responsibility of the department remains to preserve, protect, and perpetuate all wildlife species. Adequate funding for proper management, now and for future generations, is the responsibility of everyone.
The intent of the legislature is: (1) To allow the governor to select the director of wildlife; (2) to retain the authority of the wildlife commission to establish the goals and objectives of the department; (3) to insure a high level of public involvement in the decision-making process; (4) to provide effective communications among the commission, the governor, the legislature, and the public; (5) to expand the scope of appropriate funding for the management, conservation, and enhancement of wildlife; (6) to not increase the cost of license, tag, stamp, permit, and punchcard fees prior to January 1, 1990; and (7) for the commission to carry out any other responsibilities prescribed by the legislature in this title." [1987 c 506 § 1.]

RCW 77.12.320
Agreements for purposes related to fish, shellfish, and wildlife -- Acceptance of compensation, gifts, grants.
(1) The commission may make agreements with persons, political subdivisions of this state, or the United States or its agencies or instrumentalities, regarding fish, shellfish, and wildlife-oriented recreation and the propagation, protection, conservation, and control of fish, shellfish, and wildlife.
(2) The director may make written agreements with the owners or lessees of real or personal property to provide for the use of the property for fish, shellfish, and wildlife-oriented recreation. The director may adopt rules governing the conduct of persons in or on the real property.
(3) The director may accept compensation for fish, shellfish, and wildlife losses or gifts or grants of personal property for use by the department.

RCW 77.12.323
Special wildlife account -- Investments.
(1) There is established in the state wildlife fund a special wildlife account. Moneys received under RCW 77.12.320 as now or hereafter amended as compensation for wildlife losses shall be deposited in the state treasury to be credited to the special wildlife account.
(2) The director may advise the state treasurer and the state investment board of a surplus in the special wildlife account above the current needs. The state investment board may invest and reinvest the surplus, as the commission deems appropriate, in an investment authorized by RCW 43.84.150 or in securities issued by the United States government as defined by RCW 43.84.080 (1) and (4). Income received from the investments shall be deposited to the credit of the special wildlife account

RCW 77.32.256
Duplicate licenses, rebates, permits, tags, and stamps -- Fees.
The director shall by rule establish the conditions and fees for issuance of duplicate licenses, rebates, permits, tags, and stamps required by this chapter. The fee for duplicate licenses, rebates, permits, tags, and stamps may not exceed the actual cost to the department for issuing the duplicate.
[2002 c 222 § 1; 1995 c 116 § 6; 1994 c 255 § 13; 1991 sp.s. c 7 § 7; 1987 c 506 § 86; 1985 c 464 § 7; 1981 c 310 § 30; 1980 c 78 § 121; 1975 1st ex.s. c 15 § 32.

So can anybody on this board figure out where and what the "wildlife Funds" are used for?


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

#201213 - 06/17/03 05:12 PM Re: Paying to punch
Mike Gilchrist Offline
Juvenile at Sea

Registered: 06/19/01
Posts: 172
Loc: Federal Way

As you have allready found out, you wont find and specifics about hatcheries in the text. It is just that in the real world the Department needed $X dollars and the budget was only giving them $Y. Under the $Y there were going to be hatchery closures so there were some ideas thrown around to get the department more money. This idea was the one that stuck as the forcasted revenue was enough to run a couple hatcheries. What the actual revenue will be we can wait and see.

There are several funds under the control of the department. The wildlife fund is, I guess you would say, the primary one. There are others, like the PSRE (Puget Sound Recreational Enhancement, ie blackmouth). I can't name them all, some are dedicated for specific hunting uses and others for fishing uses. Whatever money the deparment needs that is not available from these funds is allocated from the general fund by the legislature.
Mike Gilchrist

#201215 - 06/17/03 06:26 PM Re: Paying to punch
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington
Thanks Mike for your quick response.

Here is the problem in a nut shell as I see it now!

You said; "It is just that in the real world the Department needed $X dollars and the budget was only giving them $Y. Under the $Y there were going to be hatchery closures so there were some ideas thrown around to get the department more money. This idea was the one that stuck as the forecasted revenue was enough to run a couple hatcheries. What the actual revenue will be we can wait and see."

In the "real world" (today's government) state governmental agencies have to be up front and truthful with their needs! No longer are the days when they can tell us one thing, and do another.

I had read about all the "other" funds that WDFW has, and how they are most likely "kind of screwed up" also, but I had chose not to post all the RCW's that may apply to those issues on this posting.

How can fishermen ever learn again to "trust" a state agency when the "agency" is not totally up front or truthful with the people who pay the piper? Forgetting the facts or the merits for just a moment of "why" the WDFW needed this "extra funding", let's just talk about trust or maybe the lack of trust in the WDFW.

Obviously, WDFW believed that they needed more money to continue whatever programs they were involved in when they predicted these finical shortfalls. Instead of being up-front with "the public", apparently they had chosen people who were brought into play to help put pressure on the legislators to pass this new law.

Common people must ask; why then didn't WDFW open this issue up to all it's public supporter and ask for their help and support. Instead, it certainly now appears that only a few groups of hand picked "supporters" were told the real facts.

And you and others wonder why some people start talking or implying the age old "conspiracy" thing! The more I read and research this issue, the more I understand why WDFW is always being cut from the general funding. I know better then most, of the games that are now being played out, but I still expect, no I demand, that WDFW be honest and up front when they need more money from their number one supporters.

I can say more, and I most likely will, but for now let's see if some other bb members can explain this fiasco any better. Again Mike, thanks for all your hard work and efforts and my reply does not in any way reflect on either you or your integrity. At least you are a doer, and not a just a talker! You can say that you have "walked the talk"

Aunty, you are right, but WDFW has a public responsibility to inform us all were they are going to "spend" the money from this new tax. I am not against WDFW using that money for enforcement, but if they can not be "up front" from the very beginning, who in the devil can trust them?


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

#201216 - 06/17/03 09:34 PM Re: Paying to punch
grandpa2 Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
Geez CF....I should wait until I get up at 4am to read your voluminous conspiracy theory.

(4) The funds received from the sale of catch record cards must be deposited into the wildlife fund.

I think this issue is pretty simple. The WDFW budget was getting sucked out by politicians for other BS programs in this state. Sports people who DO things...worked to support this idea to give back some money that is earmarked for WDFW and not Frank Chopp and Gary Locke to spend on some insane entitlement. What WDFW does with the money , as I said earlier, remains to be seen.
And are you really shocked that a government agency or a politician would say one thing and do a completely different thing. Like the lottery paying for schools.HAHAHAHAHA....Or Gary Locke proclaiming to be the education governor and then fighting to lower teacher's pay....Fishing is embroiled in politics unfortunately and that is why we need organizations like RFA and PSA (and many others that I don't belong to) to fight the political fight.

If you don't like this minor battle won then go fight along side the rest of us and come up with a better idea.

And Aunty, I am not convinced that the land acquisitions by WDFW are sinister or not worthwhile. Maybe you could ask whomever in WDFW is responsible for real estate to answer from their perspective and we could debate instead of accuse them of some conspiracy. Don't get me wrong I like conspiracies! I prefer to blame Washington Trout for everything bad though...OH...and the Democrats.
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#201218 - 06/17/03 11:30 PM Re: Paying to punch

mike, do you have a list of the fishing groups that were involved in this issue, thanks.

#201219 - 06/18/03 03:33 AM Re: Paying to punch
Rob Allen Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/10/03
Posts: 311
Loc: Vancouver WA
JUST MY opinion and i don't wanna debate it cause you guys already know how i think.

1 punchcard per angler per year period..
no additional fee increases of any kind period.

#201220 - 06/18/03 03:52 AM Re: Paying to punch
micropterus101 Offline

Registered: 01/03/03
Posts: 802
Loc: Port Orchard
Here we go some more! when is the state going to pull there heads out of there *** and get rid of the nets! The increase in dollars due to a thriving sportfishing industry will give them more than enough money to play with. beathead

I guess that will never happen because the money from the commercial industry goes in there pockets and as long as this crap keeps up were going to keep paying more and more while the netters are raping and pilaging our resource. We get to pay for it! thats ****ed

Oh no? how much money do you make fishing? thats right zero! why are we paying so much to fish? the commercials and tribals make millions yet they only pay kibbles and bits! mad

#201221 - 06/18/03 09:08 AM Re: Paying to punch
grandpa2 Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
AuntyM.....I wasn't slamming you about the land purchases. I just don't know anything about it and was suggesting that we find out why they purchase land in the first place. If they are just buying land willy nilly for no good reason then yes it is absurd during budget shortfalls. It could be like so many other government agencies in that they must spend what they are allocated each year or it is "wasted" in their world. If they don't spend it it their budgets will be cut for next year??? I don't know. The land purchases may also be done as the opportunities come along too. I will do some research of my own and see where this goes.

By the way I should have just changed my email in my profile but I like being cloned so a few on this BB have 2 people to hate.
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#201222 - 06/18/03 01:07 PM Re: Paying to punch
driftinforchrome Offline

Registered: 02/07/03
Posts: 40
Hey CF how many punch cards do you usually fill each season on the cow?

#201223 - 06/18/03 06:06 PM Re: Paying to punch
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington
That depends on the size of the silver run each year! Last year it was five cards. The year before it was 4 cards. Nobody in Toledo ever goes hungry when I am fishing for silvers. You might say that I specialize in silver!

But it's not just the cost that was at issue in this post; it's the issue that WDFW kept their real reasons for increasing the fees pretty much in secret, except to that of only a few groups that they knew that they would count on for support.

Do not forget, I have personally worked with many of the top staff in the WDFW for many years now, some are still there while others have retired or have moved on . Both our attorneys and I have had numbers of closed doors meetings concerning possible wrong doings by WDFW and we have also had judicial hearings concerning some shaky things that WDFW upper staff has done in the past. So remember, I have years of experience and hands on action to support 99% of what I say when it comes the WDFW's past history. remember this; you can take it to the bank.... history always repeats itself!

If some of these members had spent just one half of amount of time that I have working with different groups and the WDFW,WDOE, NMFS, USFWS, and the utilities (BPA, TP, LCPUD), they would probably be eating a little crow pie (and it would be well done....if not burnt!).

Grandpa, that was meant to answer your statement; "If you don't like this minor battle won then go fight along side the rest of us and come up with a better idea." If you were addressing that to me, and I am assuming that you were I would be more then willing to match my time card against yours when it comes to the volunteer hours spent working with WDFW, Utilities or other fish related groups!

How many times have you signed up and testified at hearings to support our fish runs and drive over 100 miles to do it?

Maybe I better stop now before I really get my hair up with your statements! You may or may not agree with what I write or opine, but you have no grounds to stand on "IF" you are trying to insinuate that I am not an active participant in making change to our sport fishing opportunities!

PS, were your "cloned"? If so, are there now you & it? If so, are you you or are you it?

Driftinforchrome: Please explain how WDFW can charge us an extra $10 dollars for a "punch" card when they do not spend a dime on rearing the silvers on the Cowlitz? Tacoma Power pays 100% of the bill to raise all of the coho on the Cowlitz, so how in the hell can WDFW justify charging us and extra ten bucks for something that they didn't do?


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

#201225 - 06/18/03 07:12 PM Re: Paying to punch
cowlitzfisherman Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/14/00
Posts: 1828
Loc: Toledo, Washington

Well, we will talk this week end! laugh

But grandpa needs to think before he makes such statements like he has (if they were indeed intended for me). eek

Could just be a communications problem, but then again maybe it's just a standard cloning problem laugh laugh

Cowlitzfisherman laugh

Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

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