No guides tribal or nontribal are required by law to report the sportfishers are the ones who by law must do so....what a bunch of rascist crap we have been exposed to.....and sorry but thats the "real truth
For hells sakes, why don't you "everyone is good but white people" crowd give it a rest! Non-indian guides do not have an allotment (You know, like 50% of all fish)...... They do have the legal responsibility to make sure that people have valid licenses/punch cards and that they are filled out properly. I was a guide for 6 years, and I could have/would have gotten a ticket if any of my clients had failed to punch a card or have a license, just as I was responsible my clients did not keep any illegal fish. I would have lost my guide license otherwise.
Why when minorities speak of inequality, they are hailed for their courage to speak out against that inequality...... Caucasions speak out against the same type of thing (hiring quotas, fishing rules, etc.) and they are at the least called "whiners" or most of the time "racists" or "predjudice". Although it still occurs, the majority of Americans are outright against special priviledge based on the color of skin or ethnicity, but when it happens to anyone of non-minority status then it is perfectly acceptable. Why is it okay for one group but not another...... I had to explain to my daughter one day years ago (when we inadvertantly picked huckleberries in a "non-whites picking area") why daddy had almost been shot by the angry indian.... That is no exxageration either. He had a rifle and told me if I did not leave I would be shot. This happened near Mt. Adams in a part of the national forest and not on any reservation. When I reported it to the sherrif, they told me that the area we had stopped at had indeed been declared an indian picking area and non-indians had to go several miles further down the road where (big surprise) we searched for hours to find a handful of berries. The area where I had stopped, and been chased off of, had bushes everywhere loaded with berries (that was why I stopped....) Try explaining (customs, heretage, etc.) to a little 8 year old why the man was waving a gun and shouting obscenities..... Same thing happens on the river when they are netting. Just try to go near one of their nets, even just to have a look. If you dont get shot at, you will at the very least learn something.....
I love diversity, I love culture.... But I hate feeling like I have something to be ashamed of because of what my skin looks like (sound familiar?). It wasnt right way back when, and it isnt right now.... Two wrongs do not make it right... Listen up bleeding hearts, cause your kids and grandkids have to live in the world you are creating for them. Hopefully you will not have assisted in them hating who they are.
*Deep Breath*
Thanks for the ear.....
MC :p