Here's what Tacoma can do. This comes right from the Settlement Agreement!
Article 13. Instream Flows.
The Licensee shall release minimum flows from the Project into the Cowlitz River for the protection and enhancement of fish and wildlife resources, riparian vegetation, aesthetic resources and water quality. Flows shall be released as follows:
a) March 1 – June 30
Minimum flow releases from Mayfield Dam shall be 5,000 cfs, unless the March 1 or later inflow forecasts indicate that this flow cannot be achieved and assure reservoir refill. A decision to reduce flows shall only be made after Tacoma has consulted with the Fisheries Technical Committee provided for in the August 2000 Settlement Agreement, or if the Settlement Agreement has become void, with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Washington Department of Ecology (referred to as “the FTC or agencies”). Once per week from March through the end of June, or as otherwise agreed with the FTC or agencies, Tacoma will conduct a 12-hour release at the lesser of 8,000 cfs or 120% of the preceding flows for juvenile fish transport flows. Natural flows (e.g., from the Tilton River) that provide the same magnitude of flow pulse may substitute for artificial flow pulsing.
b) July 1 - August 14
Minimum flow releases from Mayfield Dam shall be 2,000 cfs during this period.
c) August 15 - September 30
Minimum flow releases from Mayfield Dam shall be 2,000 cfs during this period. If Mayfield releases meet or exceed 5,000 cfs for a consecutive 5-day period as measured by daily mean flows, then flows will not be decreased below 5,000 cfs until a spawning survey, documenting redd numbers and locations in key side-channel areas at River Mile 42 and River Mile 47.5, or two other representative sites as selected by the FTC or agencies, has been performed. If the survey shows that redds are present, the level of minimum flows necessary for the remainder of the period will be established after consultation with the FTC or agencies. The established minimum flows for incubation shall not exceed the lesser of: a) eight inches of river stage height below the highest consecutive 5-day average flow as measured at the USGS gauge (Station #14238000) below Mayfield Dam, or b) 5,000 cfs.
d) October 1 - November 20
Minimum flow releases below Mayfield Dam shall be subject to the following requirements:
1) At no time shall flows released from Mayfield Dam be less than 3,500 cfs;
2) Flow releases from Mayfield Dam always shall be at a quantity adequate to provide incubation protection to redds established during the period of August 15 - September 30, as defined in Section 3 below;
3) When releases during the August 15 - September 30 period meet or exceed 5,000 cfs for a consecutive five-day period as measured by the daily mean flows, minimum flows shall be maintained at the lesser of (A) or (B) below:
A) 5,000 cfs
B) Eight inches of river stage height below the highest consecutive 5-day average flow during which active spawning occurred, as measured at the USGS gauge (Station #14238000) below Mayfield Dam.
Flow releases less than those described in Section 3 above may be established upon agreement by the FTC or agencies, following review of spawning survey data for the August 15 - September 30 period.
Tacoma shall make a good faith attempt to provide flows for the purpose of protecting spawning habitat (5,000 to 8,000 cfs) from November 1 until either November 20 or the completion of spawning, whichever comes first.
e) November 21 – February 28
Minimum flow releases from Mayfield Dam will be maintained at the lesser of:
1) eight inches of river stage height below the highest consecutive 5-day average flow during which active spawning occurred, as measured at the USGS gauge (Station #14238000) below
Mayfield Dam, or
2) 5,000 cfs, or
3) a lower flow authorized by the FTC or agencies based upon the results of spawning surveys.
Instream flows shall be monitored at the USGS gauge (Station #14238000) below Mayfield Dam or via other approved means. Results of monitoring shall be available to FERC or resource agency staff upon request from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) or as otherwise approved. The minimum release required may be reduced, in consultation with the FTC or agencies, when such reduction can be shown not to impact downstream salmonid redds. Flows may be temporarily modified if required by operating emergencies beyond the control of the Licensee that threaten the safety and/or stability of Project facilities, and for short periods upon agreement between the Licensee and the Washington Department of Ecology. If the flow is so modified, the Licensee shall notify the Commission and the Washington Department of Ecology as soon as practicable, but no later than ten (10) days after each such incident.
Article 14. Ramping Rate Conditions.
The Licensee shall operate the Project within the following ramping rate restrictions. Ramping rate refers to the rate of allowable stage decline. These rates apply to flows less than 6,000 cfs. The ramping rate restrictions may be modified based upon further study and approval by the Fisheries Technical Committee provided for in the August 2000 Settlement Agreement, or if the Settlement Agreement has become void, with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Washington Department of Ecology (referred to as “the FTC or agencies”).
Time of Year Daylight Rates* Night Rates**
February 16 to June 15 No Ramping 2 inches per hour
June 16 to October 31 1 inch per hour 1 inch per hour
November 1 to February 15 2 inches per hour
2 inches per hour
*Daylight shall be defined as one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset. This is for the protection of salmon fry.
** Night shall be defined as one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise. This is for the protection of trout and steelhead fry.
These time restrictions will account for the lag time it takes for the fluctuation to pass through all affected fish habitat downstream to the confluence of the Cowlitz and Toutle rivers. Flow is to be measured at the USGS gauge (Station #14238000) below Mayfield Dam.
Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????