went to sportco saturday to purchase some new breathable waders and a new pair of wading boots..the wadelites were $114 and the boots were $60...not a single size large to be found(large stouts were in but i need another 100 lbs to have those fit)...grabbed the guidelites ($180) and walked around contemplating if buying these was worth the reaming i would receive when i got home...30 minutes later i put them back on the shelf and head back towards olympia...never been in to gart sports so i figure what the hell...found the wadelites, size large, on sale for $84.99 and the same pair of boots for $41.99....took them to the counter, chick rang them up, $69.99 for the waders, $31.99 for the boots(hodgman wadetech)...$110 total with tax!!! if you're looking to save a few bucks on some wadelites, you better hurry to gart sports as supplies on hand were limited!!