Do you think that someone at WDFW may have been sleeping just a little on their jobs?
It's looks like they spent our funds very wisely again when they printed up the sport fishing regulations again!
Rule changes and corrections are:
Page 8 - Rule Change Highlights for 2003, June Salmon Fishing Re-opens in Tacoma
Error: Marine area 13 was incorrectly stated as being closed to salmon fishing during the month of May.
Correction: Marine Area 13 will be closed to salmon fishing for the month of June, but will then be open continuously for salmon retention from July 1 through April 30.
Page 28 - Cowlitz River (Cowlitz/Lewis Co.) from boundary markers at mouth to barrier dam
Error: Release CHUM and WILD COHO was omitted from the August 1 through December 31 SALMON season.
Correction: SALMON - August 1 through December 31 release CHUM and WILD COHO.
Page 29 - Deep River (Wahkiakum Co.) from mouth to town bridge
Error: Release requirements during SALMON season was incorrectly stated.
Correction: SALMON - Release CHUM and WILD COHO year-round. Release wild CHINOOK January 1 through July 31.
Page 29 - Deep River (Wahkiakum Co.) from town bridge upstream
Error: Release WILD CUTTHROAT was omitted from the TROUT season.
Correction: TROUT - Release WILD CUTTHROAT year-round.
Page 29 - Deschutes River (Thurston Co.) downstream of lowest Tumwater Falls fish ladder
Error: Reference to See Capitol Lake was omitted.
Correction: Add reference See Capitol Lake.
Page 44 - Skykomish River (Snohomish Co.) from Wallace River to forks
Error: ALL SPECIES - fishing from any floating device prohibited 8:00 a.m. August 1 through March 31 was incorrectly stated.
Correction: ALL SPECIES - Fishing from any floating device prohibited in the area 1500' upstream to 1000' downstream of Reiter Ponds outlet August 1 through February 29.
Page 46 - Stillaguamish, North Fork (Snohomish Co.) from mouth to Swede Heaven Bridge
Error: ALL GAME FISH - Fly fishing only from March 1 through November 30 was incorrectly stated.
Correction: ALL GAME FISH - March 1 through November 30 catch-and-release except up to 2 hatchery steelhead may be retained. Fly fishing only April 16 through November 30.
Page 46 - Stillaguamish, North Fork (Snohomish Co.)
Error: ALL SPECIES - Fishing from any floating device equipped with a motor prohibited upstream of the Hwy 530 Bridge at mile post 28.8 (Cicero Bridge) was incorrectly stated.
Correction: ALL SPECIES - Fishing from any floating device prohibited upstream of the Hwy 530 Bridge at mile post 28.8 (Cicero Bridge).
Page 51 - Baker Lake (Whatcom Co.)
Error: Chumming permitted for TROUT the last Saturday in April through October 31 was omitted.
Correction: ALL SPECIES - Last Saturday in April through October 31 chumming permitted.
Page 52 - Clear Lake (Pierce Co.)
Error: Chumming permitted for SALMON the last Saturday in April through October 31 was omitted.
Correction: ALL SPECIES - Last Saturday in April through October 31 chumming permitted.
Page 55 - Maggie Lake (Mason Co.)
Error: Wrong SALMON season stated.
Correction: SALMON - Last Saturday in April through November 30.
Page 58 - Shannon Lake (Skagit Co.)
Error: Chumming permitted for TROUT the last Saturday in April through October 31 was omitted.
Correction: ALL SPECIES - Last Saturday in April through October 31 chumming permitted.
Page 58 - Stevens Lake (Snohomish Co.)
Error: Chumming permitted for OTHER GAME FISH year-round was omitted.
Correction: ALL SPECIES - Year-round chumming permitted.
Page 59 - Swift Reservoir (Skamania Co.) from marker approximately 3/8 mile below Eagle Cliff Bridge
Error: Selective gear rules except motors allowed was omitted from SALMON season.
Correction: ALL SPECIES - selective gear rules except motors allowed last Saturday in April through October 31.
Page 59 - Vancouver Lake (Clark Co.) and all other waters west of Burlington-Northern Railroad from Columbia River drawbridge near Vancouver downstream to Lewis River
Error: Chumming permitted was omitted from OTHER GAME FISH season.
Correction: ALL SPECIES - Year-round chumming permitted.
Page 65 - Columbia River from Hwy. 395 Bridge at Pasco to Old Hanford townsite wooden powerline towers.
Error: No reference to a TROUT season.
Correction: TROUT - October 1 through March 31 minimum size 20", daily limit 2 STEELHEAD only. Only STEELHEAD with both an adipose fin clip and a ventral fin clip may be retained.
Page 67 - Kettle River (Ferry/Stevens Co.)
Error: TROUT, OTHER GAME FISH, and WHITEFISH season and gear errors.
Correction: TROUT - June 1 through October 31 season, minimum size 12", daily limit 2, selective gear rules. OTHER GAME FISH - June 1 through October 31 season, statewide minimum size and daily limit. WHITEFISH - November 1 through May 31, no minimum size, daily limit 15 WHITEFISH ONLY, only one single hook 3/16" measured point to shank (size 14) may be used.
Page 70 and 71 - Missing pages
Error: An error in the numbering sequence occurred which skipped page numbers 70 and 71.
Correction: No changes or corrections required. Due to a numbering error, page numbers 70 and 71 were omitted. Important alphabetic list of waters remain intact.
Page 73 - Spokane River (Spokane Co.) from Seven Mile Bridge to Monroe Street Dam
Error: Selective gear rules was omitted from SALMON season.
Correction: SALMON - Year-round selective gear rules required.
Page 75 - White Salmon River (Kllickitat/Skamania Co.) from the powerhouse to Northwestern (Condit) Dam
Error: The minimum size was incorrectly stated for the SALMON & STEELHEAD season April 1 through June 15.
Correction: SALMON & STEELHEAD - April 1 - June 1 SALMON minimum size 12", and STEELHEAD minimum size 20".
Page 80 - Easton Lake (Kittitas Co.)
Error: Season for TROUT and OTHER GAME FISH was incorrectly stated.
Correction: TROUT and OTHER GAME FISH open May 24 through October 31.
Page 81 - Homestead Lake (Grant Co.)
Error: Selective gear rules was omitted from OTHER GAME FISH additional rules.
Correction: OTHER GAME FISH - Selective gear rules required year-round
Page 81 - Horseshoe Lake (Pend Oreille Co.)
Error: Selective Gear Rules are required on this lake.
Correction: Selective Gear Rules are not required.
Page 87 - Wapato Lake (Chelan Co.)
Error: Selective gear rules was omitted from OTHER GAME FISH.
Correction: OTHER GAME FISH - Selective gear rules except internal combustion engines allowed. August 1 through October 31.
Page 94 - Marine Area 2, Special HALIBUT Fishery
Error: Coordinates for the special HALIBUT Fishery in Marine Area 2 are not correct.
Correction: The special HALIBUT fishery should state: Those waters from the Queets River south to 47º00'00"N and east of 124º40'00"W longitude are open to HALIBUT fishing 7 days a week during open season.
Page 100 - Marine Area 7, San Juan Island Marine Preserve
Error: San Juan Marine Preserve closure statement was omitted.
Correction: San Juan Islands Marine Preserve (False Bay, Friday Harbor, Argyle Lagoon, Yellow and Low Islands and Shaw Island): Closed to all SHELLFISH and BOTTOMFISH activity (except crabbing in Parks Bay on Shaw Island)
I am sure glad that someone had proof read the regulations before they were sent out!!