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#206879 - 08/14/03 03:52 PM Re: Quilcene river access
jackiepoo Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 04/02/01
Posts: 474
Loc: University Place Washington
Don't close the river down close the bad behavior, bring in the troops and put the fire out before it even hits. If the enforcers know there is going to be a problem then fix the damn thing. don't sit there and let a pot of **** boil, come on the authorities I believe are just as guilty and stupid as the meth head snagging, littering, urinating, and defeacing the river. Damn if I knew there were going to be 100 ways I could kick ass in my job very easily and quickly I would love that and jump on it like a swedish bikini model in a pool of my choice of jellow. Land owners jumpon the makin money train sell passes, get some fish from the guys down there, sell some lemonade, and damn you might have a group of guys running debrit out of your yard for free. Fisherman, I highly doubt there are guys out here on the forum doing that crap but hey if I see someone down there fing up I m going to speak out so if you see a short guy getting his ass kicked by four a holes hook me up with some back, cheers, JFK
"You gotta do what Randall Pink Floyd Wants to do"

#206880 - 08/14/03 07:40 PM Re: Quilcene river access
havnfun Offline

Registered: 07/04/99
Posts: 727
Loc: tacomca,wa,pierce
beer just checked my email... reply from Evan Jacoby legal service for wdfw, he states that wdfw did not post any signs that he is aware of. and also per the 13th coast guard distrit the quill is a non-navigable river,so we can not walk down it and not be trespassing!
love tne smell of fish blood in the morning

#206881 - 08/14/03 07:41 PM Re: Quilcene river access
Chum Man Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 11/07/99
Posts: 2689
Loc: Yelmish
i agree. go after the people who are in the wrong instead of just closing the water. however, knowing the wdfw's track record, they would just take the easy way out and close it.

the idea of closing water because of the snaggers it attracts is idiotic. take care of the snaggers, and you take care of the problem. it just seems the wdfw is more busy giving out parking tickets than going after real problems

#206882 - 08/14/03 09:02 PM Re: Quilcene river access
h2o Offline

Registered: 10/31/02
Posts: 2449
Loc: Portland
there are other reasons to close down the quilcene to that kind of pressure...

...the first one that comes to mind is the threatened native summer chum run in that river.
"Christmas is an American holiday." - micropterus101

#206883 - 08/14/03 09:09 PM Re: Quilcene river access
Dave Vedder Offline
Reverend Tarpones

Registered: 10/09/02
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Loc: West Duvall
Chum Man:

I do not agree that the WDFW should just go stop the snaggers. I have NEVER put a hook in the kill scene and never will, but I have watched the zoo several times. If they put half dozen agents on the river every day they still wouldn't make a dent in the problem. Bottom line is the kill scene is almost always too low and clear to fish in September. Almost all the fish taken there are snagged. AND there is a fragile run of summer chums in there at that time. They too are snagged by the damn fools who, leave trash everywhere, crap on private landowners property and trespass.

If the river in not navigable, which means most access involves trespassing, the fish wont bite, and the mobs are littering everywhere it should be closed!

We close tavern and night clubs that are consistently a problem. Why not streams?

If the locals must have these fish to survive, we could hand them out at the hatchery.

I once sought a game warden to go ticket the idiots snagging by the lower bridge. He told me he couldn’t write any more tickets as his paperwork was backed up from all the tickets he had already written.
No huevos no pollo.

#206884 - 08/14/03 09:56 PM Re: Quilcene river access

My dad and I fished the Quil back in the early 80's. At that time I was 5 or 6 years old. We would go under the bridge on 101 during the Coho run with the 3 to 5 other guys that were there. I pitched spinners for jacks and my dad pitched eggs for the silvers and occasional king. Never remember seeing more than half a dozen people. We also fished it for hatchery steelhead in winter, (my dad anyways and I watched, I was too young), I remember one day when my dad hooked and landed 8 brat steelies under the bridge, no other people in sight. Infact I never remember seeing another person when I was with my dad steelhead fishing in winter.

The presure was light on the river up untill it closed down for salmon when I was 12 or 13. I havent been back.

I have stopped by and watched the liners and snaggers harass the Coho that are to scared to bite in the ultra low and clear waters. I see people tresspassing dumping out garbadge and such where ever they want.

I have no idea what happened. Why in the world or how did it become so popular in the time it was closed down? I just cant figure it out. It is not even the slightest bit attractive as a fisherie the the amounts of presure and idiots. rolleyes

And yes it should be closed! The only exception I could see is open it for kids 12 and under and people 75 and older.

#206885 - 08/14/03 11:57 PM Re: Quilcene river access
HntnFsh Offline

Registered: 06/24/01
Posts: 684
Loc: Toledo Wa
I could be wrong as I get older my memory is a little worse for the wear.And it has been a couple weeks.But my wife and I both believe that the signs were posted by WDFW.
I should have paid more attention I guess.
1 thing I do remember was that they discouraged wading in the river because they dont want any spawning beds disturbed.I can definitely understand that.

#206886 - 08/15/03 01:48 AM Re: Quilcene river access
FishDoctor Offline

Registered: 12/05/02
Posts: 519
Some of you guys forgot Salmo g’s point. Let’s not forfeit river access, there are better ways to deal with snagging. I went to the Quill one day last year, (note: after a rain). The fishing shall we say was good. The fish were running through on the tide and biting lots of different gear for me, I mostly caught and released except this pig beer for the BBQ. I think the signs posted by WDFW are a problem, but I hope that they help to avoid closure of the river, and at the same time leave a sanctuary area (if needed) for the summer chums. I hate litter; I filled a few bags on the same day, I cleaned out the entire parking lot of everything also. shoot Why you may ask? Cause I’m tired of losing access to rivers. mad If you want to close it because of snagers and litterbugs then you will lose every river eventually. mad

#206887 - 08/15/03 10:56 AM Re: Quilcene river access
3/0_in_my_eye Offline

Registered: 08/18/01
Posts: 47
Loc: Seattle
Originally posted by Dan S.:

You name me another time when a State could override FEDERAL law. They can't. Federal law trumps anything the states decide. That's why a state can pass a medicinal marijuana law and STILL have federal agents arresting people.

The Taxas Sodomy law? Struck down in the Federal courts. That's how the legal system works.

Click the link :
Thanks for the link. Interesting stuff.
I'm a lawyer -- no need to get explain the supremacy clause to me.

If that link is accurate in its summation of the law, it sounds like the WDFW is just fat out wrong here. No doubt they're pandering to fed-up property owners.

#206888 - 08/15/03 11:17 AM Re: Quilcene river access
FishDoctor Offline

Registered: 12/05/02
Posts: 519

Of course if you dont like crowds then dont go there, it can be really crowded, not something to do to "get away from it all". The law enforcement is actually quite heavy, slap
Yes there are better places to fish, maybe we can send all these people out to forks, but I doubt you want that. Education is the key, show folks how to fish legaly, then they wont snag, peer presure works also. If everyone gets pissed at snagers then they will stop.
Keep up the enforcment and keep the river open, dont lose you rights to fish.

#206889 - 08/15/03 01:09 PM Re: Quilcene river access
jackiepoo Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 04/02/01
Posts: 474
Loc: University Place Washington
How would a half dozen officers not make a dent on illegal or immoral activity going on in an area of approximately one mile. If you had men and women kicking ass doing the paper work making the arrests, putting the hammer down then guess what you would make a dent, although if you have a half dozen lazy slacking enforcement agents like there must be because the job just isn't getting done then yeah you will have trashy people doing trashy things. I have no experience in law enforcement except the experience gathered in my teens doing massive undercover keg expeditions and other top secret endevures but if you handed me the ugly stick to whack people for infractins I garuntee you I could have 20 open containers, 100 snagging tickets, 20 no license tickets, and 50 littering tickets in one day. You give me a week and I will give you 10 guys out for warrants in the paddy wagon. Damn can't people understand the concept of making a good situation out of a bad one. If you want to catch a criminal who is a ( **** bag) then go to where the fellow **** bagger's congrigate. Astalavista dumb asses, now if a steady two or three days of that goes down well I think the point has been made and a standard has been set.
Rich I am really sorry your precious serenity of fishing has been tainted and I feel your pain but we happen to live in a place where every body not just the 12 year old's and the elderly get to enjoy the fruits of washington's labor. If you really feel so strongly about the all this then go visit these idiots and tell them how they ruined the fishery. Heck I will go with you and call people on their idioticy.
"You gotta do what Randall Pink Floyd Wants to do"

#206890 - 08/15/03 01:31 PM Re: Quilcene river access
Dave D Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/04/01
Posts: 3563
Loc: Gold Bar
looks like a Cracker fest if you ask me
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#206891 - 08/15/03 02:54 PM Re: Quilcene river access
4Salt Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/07/00
Posts: 2955
Loc: Lynnwood, WA

That's putting it VERY mildly!

IMO, the Quilcene is the absolute WORST example of all that is wrong with freshwater salmon "sportfishing", and an apalling display of the most primal human behavioral characteristics. Greed topping the list.

Wow! Maybe I should quit beating around the bush and state how I REALLY feel! laugh laugh
A day late and a dollar short...

#206892 - 08/15/03 04:30 PM Re: Quilcene river access
Dan S. Offline
It all boils down to this - I'm right, everyone else is wrong, and anyone who disputes this is clearly a dumbfuck.

Registered: 03/07/99
Posts: 16958
Loc: SE Olympia, WA
I don't think anyone will even argue that point, 4S........ BUT that's not the point. Access is the issue here.

Jacoby is using weasel tactics. Sure the Quil isn't navigable according to the CG........neither is the Satsop, Nooch, Hump, Sky etc. Clearly they ARE navigable, the just haven't been designated as such.
She was standin' alone over by the juke box, like she'd something to sell.
I said "baby, what's the goin' price?" She told me to go to hell.

Bon Scott - Shot Down in Flames

#206893 - 08/15/03 05:03 PM Re: Quilcene river access
4Salt Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/07/00
Posts: 2955
Loc: Lynnwood, WA
I know Dan. That last post was just a general opinion. The Quilcene navigable? maybe by the beer cans and other assorted trash that float down it, but I'd LOVE to see anyone even try taking an innertube down that creek. Comparing it to the Hump, Satsop etc... is apples and oranges.

As far as access, Havnfun posted that Evan Jacoby sent him an e-mail denying that WDFW posted any of the signs. Do you think he was lying? If I had to guess, I'd bet that one (or more) of the unhappy landowners might have posted those signs in hopes of not having to re-live the nightmare that they experience every year. Before we all jump on the "WDFW sucks" bandwagon, wouldn't it be nice to know for sure?

Surecatch is absolutely correct in his observation as well. The ONE (and only) time I visited the Quilcene (couldn't bring myself to actually fish) there must have been 3 to 4 HUNDRED people lining both banks from 101 almost all the way to Richards rd. It would take a National Guard unit to round up and ticket all of the snaggers.

Hey, if anyone wants to "fish" it, that's their own personal choice. But c'mon, let's not pretend that all of the sh!t that happens there doesn't warrant at least second look at current access policy.

I DO NOT want to see any access denied to fishers anywhere, but in the case of the Quil, true fishers are in the definite minority, and I could give a rip if the snaggers, litterers, and vandals receive ANY rights or access privileges.

OK, I've already gotten farther into this than I intended, so this is all I'm going to say about the kill scene.
A day late and a dollar short...

#206894 - 08/16/03 03:17 PM Re: Quilcene river access
micropterus101 Offline

Registered: 01/03/03
Posts: 802
Loc: Port Orchard
Oh sure lets close it and put 400 snaggers on some wild fish somewhere! That a really smart suggestion!

#206895 - 08/16/03 08:09 PM Re: Quilcene river access
havnfun Offline

Registered: 07/04/99
Posts: 727
Loc: tacomca,wa,pierce
laugh just opened another message from wdfw, this one stated tgat paul and phil the enforcement people up there have been asked to go look for said signs. wdfw is looking into it.
love tne smell of fish blood in the morning

#206896 - 08/18/03 04:33 PM Re: Quilcene river access
4Salt Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/07/00
Posts: 2955
Loc: Lynnwood, WA

Since you are obviously far more knowledgeable on this subject than I, which "wild" runs occurring from mid-August through September do you think the snaggers would descend upon if the Quilcene were closed? I can think of one right now that is already being snagged: the WILD ENDANGERED summer chum that are attempting to spawn in the Quilcene river.

Snaggers pretty much ONLY congregate where their chances of actually snagging something make it worthwhile. Terminal hatchery areas for example. "Wild" runs are already being snagged heavily, and have been for years. Except for Hoodsport and a couple of other state hatcheries, ALL of the chum and pink salmon runs are wild, and idiots snag the sh!t out of them every year.

As usual, your argument bears NO factual merit, so if I may be so kind as to offer you a minor suggestion: It is already suspect that you lack the cognitive abilities to truly understand the complexities of fisheries management issues, so why make posts like the one above and remove all doubt. wink
A day late and a dollar short...

#206897 - 08/19/03 02:49 AM Re: Quilcene river access
h2o Offline

Registered: 10/31/02
Posts: 2449
Loc: Portland
I dunno 4salt...

...I'd pay money to see said snaggers try to 'snag' themselves a Hoh river springer or wild summer run...

...or I can see the brainstorming session it would take to come up with that plan "well elmer, they closed the Quilcene so lets go snag us some nates instead...


Snaggers don't 'fish', they snag.
"Christmas is an American holiday." - micropterus101

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