I make it a habit to change hooks on everything. "Out of the package" hooks are generally inferior hooks and a manufacture saves money putting the "cheapies" on.
The size of the fish really dictates placement of the swivel and running spoons with or without them. Normally, you don't need one for fall/winter blackmouth fishing. However, once the larger fish start coming back to the area, most definitely. This would be the time to place the swivel behind the lure. Another thing to keep in mind is spoon type/style. With a thin spoon (flutter type) it is also best to use a barrell swivel and a thinner diameter hook for the best action on the spoon (and keep from bending them). With a wider spoon (like the Devils Tail), you could get away without having a barrel swivel between the hook and spoon. However, there will be some leverage factor with larger fish.
Always use a barrell swivel between the hook and lure on a Coho Killer. You are alleviating bending the spoon more than anything here. Once this spoon get mangled it can cause all kinds of problems...
Hope this helps !
"If you are not scratchin bottom, you ain't fishing deep enough!" -DR
Puget Sound Anglers, Gig Harbor Chapter