Wild Steelhead Coalition Member Meeting
Wednesday, September 3rd, 2003
7pm (6:30 Social)
Bothell American Legion Post
19213 Bothell Way NE, Bothell, WA
Guest Speaker: Curt Kraemer, WDFW Region 4 Freshwater
Fisheries Program Manager
Title: "Fishing our way to recovery: Puget Sound's
Comprehensive Chinook Fishery Management Plan"
Curt's presentation will describe the state-tribal
co-manager's harvest management plan for Skykomish
River chinook to illustrate methods currently used to
plan salmon/steelhead fisheries while at the same time
attempting to recover threatened salmon runs.
He will discuss
1) What the Fish Management Plan is;
2) How the allowable fishing rate or Recovery
Expliotation Rate (RER) was developed for the
Skykomish Chinook.
3) How that RER is used in determining fishing
Curt will also provide an update on North Puget Sound
wild steelhead spawner escapements based on spring
2003 surveys.
Curt has worked for the state of Washington for 30+
years and is currently freshwater fisheries program
manager for Region 4 where he oversees all the
freshwater fish management activities. He has worked
in the North Puget Sound region since 1974. At one
time or another he has had responisbility for
steelhead management in the Nooksack, Samish, Skagit,
Stillaguamish, and Snohomish basins. This will be
Curt's 3rd presentation to the Wild Steelhead
Coalition in the past 3 years
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