Checked with the laconnor WDFW post and reported the snagging operation that has hit the samish (relax Joe I talked mostly about the lead headed jig throwers leaving there jigs sit on the bottom in the first hole they bug me more then you). any way here the info I gathered on snagging.
under definitions, it is worded that it is a violation to "attemt to catch a fish where the fish does not voluntarily bite the bait."
I asked them is they thought this was to vag of a law to enforce and they responded they like it because if they feel like a guy is trying to snag fish they can write the ticket and let the guy and the judge figure it out, He also told me that the ones that they give out, even if the person puts up a good arguement in court, they usualy get to pay half the fine, and it goes on there record inwhich they could loose there fishing rights if they get more then 3 tickits.
It also sounded like the state was in the near future was going to make some money, I asked when so I could watch but couldnt get it out of him, he seemed like he knew what he was doing, infact he says he already knows where to go, he described the hot spots correctly, so I thhink there is a good chance hes already fishing with us.
The other this he mentioned was they might use the Kalama rules on the samish, No Stoped Lures....DJ