Originally posted by Steve Ericsson:
How would Snapper know or anticipate whether this guy might jump him, slit his throat and toss him in the river?? You anti-gun guys, the two that posted only not all of you, can't somehow see he was only preparing to defend himself, not take a man's life over some fish. As is his right, he was preparing himself for a potentially dangerous situation. His weapon could have been the only thing to save his life, and everyone elses for that matter. Nobody knows what is the condition of this guys mental state except for him. To say that there needs to be better screening for a CWP only shows you don't have one. Since Snapper does, he probably also is well versed in the laws that apply to concealing a weapon and knows full well how to legally handle a situation. How are you all so certain the guy at the river has a permit to carry a weapon, or gosh, like 90% of people who own a handgun maybe he doesn't have one at all? Maybe he may have shot this guy for bringing back his property.
I think Snapper was only doing this because so many people here jumped on his **** for doing what he felt was right. Now you jump his **** for correcting his actions?? Unbelievable. Mr. Snapper, I for one applaud your efforts to at least do something. Most people would never even have said anything in the first place. The biggest hippocrit is the one that does nothing when faced with the situation he *****es about all the time.
How about suggesting that Mr. Snapper go to the authorities and admit his crime or wrong (theft) and have them return items to the victims. This is not about being anti gun or any of that crap, it's about thinking rationally, especially if one has a CWP. Not asking to much of people that choose to bring Gun's into the fishing arena.
I am sure the authorities in charge of issuing CWP's, would have grave concerns, if presented this senario. They don't expect the carrier to creat situations in which they gets to kill people that they ***** about on a fishing board.

I would choose to find another hole before killing over an Ol Hatchery Boot.
Personally, I only pack if their is a chance that a Grizzly will have me for dinner, not to play God or Law Enforcement officer. Snapper created the danger in the first place by commiting a crime against this guy. How do we teach our children responsibility if the Snagger's or Snapper's want act responsibly? Poor kids!
Again, I submit that the best course of action after the theft, would be to go to the authorities and have them help in righting this wrong. There would be no reason for a CWP or Weapon. Why? Because you would have a Police escort or they would return it themselves, with an explanation or apology provided by you.
I am, by no means an Anti Gun person. I just choose to respect and try having a greater understanding of the reponsibilities carrying a Gun entails, as well as the impact on ones life. I Still think, there should be better screening and education regarding CWP's, as indicated in the above senario.
Who knows, this tread could save someone life out on the water or else where. Sometimes, we need to check our Ego's in at the door, in order to learn and grow as responsible adults.