I posted the following information on IFish.

I'll post it again on this BB for everyone's benefit.

I fished the NF Lewis on Friday morning (10/31) with a friend with a drift boat. We launched at the Cedar Creek boat launch (in 28 degree air temperatures). We had a depth finder so we did some depth profiles of the area.

Here are the results:

In front of the waterfall - 20 feet (although the water depth directly under the falls are probably considerably deeper)

At the vertical water intake pipes - 30 feet

At the rock wall (directly across from the boat ramp) - 40 feet

Along the slab rock just downstream of the rock wall - 45 feet at either end of the rock and 50 feet directly in the middle (the Meat Hole).

Downstream of the slab rock - 40 feet gradually sloping upward to 11 feet.

The 50 foot depth at the slab rock was impressive. I didn't realize it was so deep. There were lots of fish on the depth finder. But as luck would have it, we didn't move a thing. No fish, no strikes. We used eggs primarily.

But there were lots of fish at mid water level. In fact, the depth finder showed considerably more fish in the middle of the water column than at the bottom. So rather than just back-bounce eggs on the bottom, perhaps a shrimp/jig combination at mid-water can produce a strike. It's worth trying.....
