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#218977 - 11/15/03 12:16 PM a reel question
ibjamin Offline

Registered: 10/19/03
Posts: 43
Loc: Too far south for Steellhead
I just gotten back into Steelhead fishing and looking for a new reel. My old reel is Shimano Bantam Mag Plus 251 SG. The one feature I like about this reel is the on/off antreverse. The new reels I have looked at do not have this option. Any suggestions?

Thank you

#218978 - 11/16/03 11:46 AM Re: a reel question
Greenfishnut Offline

Registered: 07/04/01
Posts: 65
Loc: Okanogan County
I have only one question. Why change reels? Unless your is reel broken beyond repair or you just want to spend money (foolishly in my opinion). Have the reel rebuilt cleaned, oiled and adjusted. You can purchase parts directly from shimano, call them the have a 1-800 number listed on their website. Again only my own personal thoughts.

#218979 - 11/16/03 12:27 PM Re: a reel question
ibjamin Offline

Registered: 10/19/03
Posts: 43
Loc: Too far south for Steellhead

Had the reel rebuilt by Ollie Damons in Portland and still does'nt work very good. The reel is over 20 years old. Rather than send it back I thought would look for a new reel. The Shimano Curado appears to a good reel, but no on/off anti-reverse. Are there any "modern" reels with this feature? I have looked at Cabela's and the local hunting & fishing stores. No luck. The area I currently live is bass and Saltwater fishing. What I want might not exist.

Thanks for the feedback

#218980 - 11/16/03 05:15 PM Re: a reel question
Bob Offline

Dazed and Confused

Registered: 03/05/99
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Loc: Forks, WA & Soldotna, AK

I'm pretty sure there's a fella that makes conversion kits for the curados, but I can't remember his site. It's a tackle repair place in the midwest that also sells lots of low-viscosity olis for them ... maybe someone might know who I'm talking about
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#218981 - 11/16/03 06:09 PM Re: a reel question
Mooch Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 12/24/01
Posts: 1877
Loc: Kingston, WA

I'm with you. The 251 was the best dang steelhead reel of all time. I've certainly put my share of them out to pasture. Wish they'd come up with a 251 Classic or Retro model but with our luck it would be in right hand only. frown
The good news is that the curado is a very smooth casting machine and a good alternate. But if they could only come up with a reel with the size and features of a 251 and the smoothness of a curado, we'd be there. wink Let us know if you have any luck with a conversion. Like they say, "If you want it done right, sometimes you just have to do it yourself."
Matt. 8:27   The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

#218982 - 11/16/03 06:35 PM Re: a reel question
ibjamin Offline

Registered: 10/19/03
Posts: 43
Loc: Too far south for Steellhead
Mooch, As popular as 251 was and is you would think that a great enough demand exist for Shimano build a new one.

#218983 - 11/16/03 07:10 PM Re: a reel question
Mooch Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 12/24/01
Posts: 1877
Loc: Kingston, WA

Sad fact is steelheaders (read driftfisherman) might count for something in the cottage rod market but to the mega manufacturers that produce reels they are an insignificant group. frown
Now the bass market, that's a different story. eek
Seriously, as far as they are concerned us backwoods mosswipes should consider ourselves lucky to even have lefthanded reels. Bass guys are still scratching their heads wondering why anyone would be caught dead using such a confounded reel.
As far as the anti-reverse switch, even alot of drift-fishing steelheaders never used it. So in spite of the rise in numbers of float-fishing steelheaders, I doubt you will ever see that feature come back. Unless of course we could get Surecatch to endorse or promote an upgraded signature "251" reel. What d'ya say dave? Maybe you and Bill could team up on this one? Forget the council, use your clout to get us po' folk something really important like a shiny new 251!

Oh well, that's steelheading, "the contrarian sport". I guess it's back to the river with my Heddon 105SS.
Matt. 8:27   The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

#218984 - 11/16/03 09:00 PM Re: a reel question
Dave Vedder Offline
Reverend Tarpones

Registered: 10/09/02
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Mooch: I hate to admit it, but I never did use a 251. I'm 100% left handed, as in cast with left, reel with right cuz that's the only kinda reel you could get when I was learning. Now Bill H. will wax eloquent over the 251 until you haffta tell him to shuddap!

I'm sure its a great reel, but you are right, on the national scheme of things steelheaders are merely a blip. I beleive I once heard that bass tackle accounts for something like 80% of all U.S. tackle sales. How many national magazines have you ever seen with a steelhead on the cover?
No huevos no pollo.

#218985 - 11/16/03 10:12 PM Re: a reel question
Greenfishnut Offline

Registered: 07/04/01
Posts: 65
Loc: Okanogan County
I will not bad mouth Ollie Damon or anyone else who repairs reels. For my few extra dollars in shipping I will send everything back to the factory to have them give me an honest opinion. I have been fishing with a 250Xsg for 20 years and have had only some new bearings, drag washers, pawl, and most of the line guide plastic pieces replaced only one time. I have caught about 500 steelhead with this reel up to 25 pounds. I used to guide steelheaders for a living but have gotten away from it for personal reasons. Ever think about sending it to shimano? Or their warranty service center in CA? "Bel Langes Outdoorsman 6716 Madison Ave. Fair Oaks CA 95628. GOOD LUCK as for reels having the same options like that cant help you havent looked at new reels for about 6 years since I put both of my boys into shimanos- model type not sure anymore even. They actually like my reel better than their own.

#218986 - 11/16/03 10:23 PM Re: a reel question
ibjamin Offline

Registered: 10/19/03
Posts: 43
Loc: Too far south for Steellhead
Greenfishnut, Haven't Tried Shimano. Didn't think they would still have parts. Their corporate headquarters is about 60 miles north of me. I took Corsair that didn't work back and they give a upgraded one one questions. I will give them a try.


#218987 - 11/17/03 02:19 PM Re: a reel question
silver hilton Offline
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Registered: 10/08/01
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You can't get parts for some of the 251's or at least you couldn't a few years back. I have two of them, and I agree, great steelhead reel, and they were cheap, cheap, cheap. I have one that dates from the early 80's that still works OK, and one from the late 80's that is my main steelhead reel. But it's getting tired, for sure. When I tried to get new drag washers from Ollie's, I was told that they were not available.

#218988 - 11/17/03 04:01 PM Re: a reel question
Chum Eater Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 11/15/02
Posts: 110
Loc: Redmond, WA
I'll give you $20.00 for it!
"There was never an angler who lived but that there was a fish capable of taking the conceit out of him.".....Zane Grey

#218989 - 11/17/03 04:27 PM Re: a reel question
Hoghunter Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 02/06/03
Posts: 462
John's Sporting Goods in Everett (425) 259-3056 used to do conversions on Shimano reels. I'm not sure about your model but they did many conversions for me on Mag 50's. You might give him a try.

#218990 - 11/19/03 11:05 PM Re: a reel question
chrome/22 Offline
Captain C/22 - Team Stay Up Right!

Registered: 01/13/00
Posts: 4194
Loc: Hurricane Ridge , Wa.
The on/off anti- rev. seems to be a thing of ther past....Too bad as it is great for extending a cast or drift. I picked-up a mint 250Xsg at a garage sale for $20 and fished for a while, it was a smooth casting reel. Sold it on ebay for around $45-50 as I remember. A question for you Shimano collecters why was the old 201sg made with this on/off switch while its right-handed brother the 200sg was not??.... shoot
Apocalypse Steelheader.
Chucking gear as the end draws near.

#218991 - 11/20/03 12:17 AM Re: a reel question
MasterCaster Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 05/09/03
Posts: 368
Loc: Florida
I also grew up using Bantams for Steelhead and Salmon..... Were the best reels, period!

I tell you, I now use the Calcutta's, and although they are a big OUCH in the pocketbook, I have never used a finer reel.
The 151 is a small Left hand version I use for Steelhead, and the 251 for salmon...... Go at least check them out.. Smooth as silk and a really tight anti-reverse.... Drag still as smooth as the day I bought it, and it has battled probably over 200 big fish... Use them for Bottom fishing too, and the Lings don't even warm them up.....


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#218992 - 11/20/03 12:24 AM Re: a reel question
grandpa2 Offline
Three Time Spawner

Registered: 06/04/03
Posts: 1698
Loc: Brier, Washington
I would recommend browsing EBay for the reel you are looking for. I just bought 3 Bantam 100s...A friend also bought an old Pfleuger that has not been made since the 50s..brand new in the box for $100...It was a gift for his dad. direct drive type reel....maybe someone out there has a new one of the model you seek.
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#218993 - 11/20/03 12:51 AM Re: a reel question
chrome/22 Offline
Captain C/22 - Team Stay Up Right!

Registered: 01/13/00
Posts: 4194
Loc: Hurricane Ridge , Wa.
Direct-Drive switch, yeah, thats the correct name... If you check out the Shimano Bantam 201sg's(the ones Gen. Zog loves) on ebay they will have the switch while the 200sg's will not.....WHY?? cry
Apocalypse Steelheader.
Chucking gear as the end draws near.

#218994 - 11/20/03 12:33 PM Re: a reel question
ibjamin Offline

Registered: 10/19/03
Posts: 43
Loc: Too far south for Steellhead
Here is some information I have gleaned in the search for a reel or repair of my 251. Shimano Corp. suggested I call Queens Creek Co (804-725-3889) as they carried "vintage reel" parts. I called and was told they do carry a limited supply of parts, but need the the model and part #. If you don't have a schematic for your reel call Shimano at 877-577-0600 they can fax or mail you one.



#218995 - 11/21/03 12:07 AM Re: a reel question
GZ Offline

Registered: 11/19/03
Posts: 23
Loc: Tacoma, WA
Ibjamn, thanks!

I have a few old 201s and 251s that are in dire need of parts, and as far as I'm concerned, there was never a better nor is there a better reel now. I'll give those guys a call immediately. Tried all the new shizzle...151 Calcuttas, the drag keeps wetting the bed, no direct drive on nuthin!!!
The main reason, so I'm told by one of the northwest Shimano reps is we steelhead/salmon anglers make up less than ONE percent of national reel sales, bass and walleys are 99, obviously, the rest. What they want, we have to suck the #### and use it. Yes, Shimano is very aware of the demand for the old reels, the problem is the dies and tooling would cost over several million dollars to re-introduce. And this part will really kill you...Shimao had all the dies and extra parts for all the Bantam series destroyed!!! Straight from the reps mouth, boys and girls. You may go hurl now.

The greatest reel of all time...the direct drive Shimano Bantam 201. Nothing else even comes close. Except my like new 251!!!
"Remember, kids...none of us knows more than all of us"

#218996 - 11/21/03 11:51 AM Re: a reel question
ibjamin Offline

Registered: 10/19/03
Posts: 43
Loc: Too far south for Steellhead
GZ, Just picked up a used, but in excellent condition "Black Magum 201" it has the direct drive switch and a flipping switch. Looks very similar to the 251 only think it is made from graphite composite. Appears to be a sturdy reel. Any experience with this reel.
There is a big gap in my reel knowledge as I quite Steelhead fishing for 14 years due to a move to So Cal. The last 4 years I have been taking my vacations in the NW during December. Fishing techniques have really changed.

Regards IB


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