FYI, The WDFW is proposing changes to the lincod season so that the season is in august instead of may (see link). I think the proposed change in Lingcod Seasons is a very bad idea for the following reasons (this is what I sent to WDFW):
1) It essentially eliminates opportunity to fish on the sound during spring months. There are no salmon seasons in may. Lingcod season fills this gap.
2) Changing seasons on lingcod to protect rockfish is silly. If the 1 fish limit on rockfish is not sufficient protection, then close retention of rockfish.
3) If you want information on rockfish retention, institue a punchcard system like for sturgeon, salmon, and halibut. Changing seasons so salmon checkers can check rockfish is at best a half measure.
4) I think the stated justification for this regulation change is weak. What reason do you have to think the current super restrictive rockfish seasons are not working? They are a very slow maturing fish and will undoubtedly take decades to rebuild stocks. This seems like over-reacting to a problem that took decades to fully manifest(with intensive sports and commericail pressure) and will take decades to solve (with current low fishing rates).
5) I think radical changes in regulations only serve to further alienate the sporting community from the WDFW. The rationale for this change seems suspect. If the WDFW wishes to maintain good relations with the fishing public, then regulation changes just to suit the convenience of WDFW should be avoided.
I urge those of you with strong opinions on this to email your comments to :