The bigger question here is what the hell happen to Riffe Lake to make the water turn this glacier colored? Why aren't the state and federal fishery agency's asking Tacoma, BPA and WDOE what the heck is going on here?
This condition has been going on here for over 2 weeks! I can not ever remember the water starting out with this kind of color (glacier white) at this time in the past 18 years. Usually it's the Tilton that blows out the Cowlitz, and the water color becomes brownish instead of this chalky white color that we are now seeing.
I heard a "rumor" that makes a lot of sense now! I heard that this chalky water color was coming from Cowlitz Fall Dam, because they had a total draw down of the reservoir so that they could work on the slouch gates that got stuck during the last year's winter storms. I was told that BPA was allowed to take all of the silt that had built up behind the coffer dams and in front of the turbines I HEARD that they were allowed to dump all that silt right back over the other side of the Dam.
Once they started to generate power again, the water pushed the silt right down river into Riffe Lake. One would think that such an action would violate the Clean Water Act, and that our state and federal fishery agencies and WDOE would be all over BPA for dumping that silt back into Riffle Lake, especially since both listed steelhead and chinook are present in Riffle Lake.
Since NMFS is currently in formal consultation with BPA concerning Cowlitz Falls, and if this is true, why in the devil would the NMFS or WDOE, WDFW allow the BPA to dump such huge amounts of condensed silt right back into the Cowlitz? Can you make a few phone calls and tell us what has happen and who or what has caused this condition? Why on earth would the WDOE allow this to occur…if indeed this rumor is true!
For years now, the Cowlitz has had higher then acceptable levels of arsenic, and has violated the federal acceptable standards and allowances of arsenic in the Cowlitz. Arsenic levels even failed to meet the federal standards during the relicensing of Tacoma project. There was even testimony at the 401 Pollution Control Hearing Board by WDOE staff that the high levels of arsenic were most likely caused by, and were coming from the glacier melt off above Cowlitz Falls Dam. The WDOE specialist said that it happens in most all rivers that are feed by glacier melt. So why would WDOE allow any such massive disturbances, or clearing out of these "settled silts" to be dumped right back into the Cowlitz, knowing full well, that it would be flushed down stream into the reservoir?
I know that this isn't part of your job, but can you tell us what's going on with this problem?
I know, we should not worry about stuff like this because the Fishery Technical Committee (FTC) that was developed in the Cowlitz Settlement Agreement will make sure to take care of such problems as this. . . . . . . right?