Where are going to move the river back into the OLD channel. Move the river 500 feet away from the toe of the hill. With LWD the same way they did in the Nooksack River.
http://www.co.snohomish.wa.us/publicwk/swm/salmon/StillyPlan/minagn/2004/sircmin021104.htm Tracy Drury of GeoEngineers in Bellingham, WA
Designing for Geomorphic Processes: The South Fork of the Nooksack River.
Tracy gave a presentation on the design and implementation of engineered logjams on the South Fork of the Nooksack River. Geo Engineers’ approach to such projects is to place structures that cause a desired reaction in the stream channel. The project objectives included increasing: holding pool habitat, channel length and complexity, wood and sediment retention, suitable spawning gravels, and floodplain connectivity. The structures also were used to attenuate deep-seated landslides, channel incision and peak flows.
Engineered logjams were inserted at mile 20 on the South Fork Nooksack. Over 1800 feet of side channel were reactivated as a result of this project, and a collecting area was created to contain the landslide sediment as it stabilized.
The long-term design of this project plans for channel migration in the future. Expected outcomes are already being met as the project:
•Set the stage for high flows to develop side channel habitat.
•Provides structure that scours pools and redefines the riverbed.
•Retains landslide sediments and allows for reestablishment of an adjacent terrace.
•Sorts sediments and creates spawning areas
•Enhances floodplain connectivity.
•Reverses channel down cutting.