Coming Events - Be Sure to Join Us at the Jan. 7th General Meeting!
Theme: WSC Update and membership Idea night.
It has been awhile since the Board has sat down with everyone and had a conversation about what is going on and what you all would like our organization to pursue into the future.
Among the agenda items are:
A draft of the WSC Hatchery Position Paper, presented by Nate Mantua.
Rich Simms and Jack Berryman will provide an update the membership on the public testimony our members gave to the WDFW Commissioners at their Dec 6 public meeting in Port Townsend, as well as a briefing on our plans to meet with commissioners before their vote in February on the new rules proposals.
The Steelhead Heaven Project on the NF of the Stilly The Legislative committee and its purpose.
We also want to know what issues any of you feel are important and what you feel we should be pouring our energies into this coming year. This is a chance to get ideas out on the table and be heard. There are a lot of issues just getting rolling and we want to let everyone know what is going and who knows maybe you can find one that you are interested in and help out with.
We will also have a raffle and refreshments. And I am sure that there might be a fishing tale or two told.
When: Wednesday January 7th
Time: 6:30-7 Social come and have a beer or two and get caught up with old and new friends. 7 Official meeting begins
Where: Bothell American Legion Post
19213 Bothell Way NE, Bothell, WA
Jeff Johnson
Wild Steelhead Coalition
1st VP Membership