T'was two weeksbefore Christmas, And all through Iraq,
> The people still worried that Saddam would be back.
> The soldiers went out on their nightly patrol,
> Capturing the bad guys was always their goal!
> With raids seeming endless in the triangle Sunni,
> We hoped that not all of Iraq was so looney!
> We gathered the tribe of Saddam, in Tikrit,
> And suddenly now they all started to snit!
> They told of a farm where Hussein just might be
> Odierno then called on our boys- from the great 4th ID!
> More rapid than Baathists our soldiers they came,
> And he whistled and shouted and called them by name
> Now Delta, Now Rangers, Now Cavalry too!
> On Green Hats, on Pilots, I need all of you!
> Go to that farm and secure it right now!
> Capture his ass- you guys know how!
> Off went our soldiers under cover of night,
> So stealthy, so quiet with no trace of light
> While we back at home were eating our lunches,
> Our boys on the ground were following hunches!
> And then it was time for the raid to begin.
> The first target came up -empty within!
> Could it be our Intel was wrong once again?
> No! Somewhere nearby is the wolf in his den!
> And then, in a twinkling, camouflage torn away
> In a hole in the ground did their quarry lay
> Dazed and confused, right at them he looked,
> Did the stupid old fool know his goose was now cooked?
> He was dressed all in rags from his toes to his head,
> And his beard was as matted as 12 day-old bread!
> How the mighty had fallen, could this be Hussein?
> One look in his eyes was to know he's insane!
> Our boys got their man - how proud we all are
> The relief in our country is felt near and far
> A bath he has had now -yet he'll never be clean
> Forever tainted with mass torture and his Fedaheen
> To our soldiers we give our undying respect
> You always give more than we ever expect
> We hope you can have now a night with some fun
> Your loved ones back home say- JOB DAMN WELL DONE!

Even thoguh some of us were against going into Iraq, i think we are all happy he was captured! Thanks again to all that risk there lives to protect us. Long live the USA!
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