Welcome to the neighborhood RK!
Depending where on the island her cabin is located, you should be able to hit any spot in MA13 within 25 minutes...
First... shrimpin is a rough game down here. Let me summarize... if you find them, let me know! Carr Inlet is a closed shrimp district. However, you can try southeast of the Penrose-Green Point boundary. This seems the better of any spot down south. It will take hard work... I have tried and tried over the years to locate these critters in good numbers, but to no avail.... I'll keep pressing- they are there somewhere!
I generally start fishing hardcore for BM in September. Work the Chambers Creek/Ketron Island areas through mid to late October. You'll also find Silvers in good numbers here too!
Nov/Dec- Green Point, Brisco Point, and Johnson Point are tops for fishing... This is when the Sand Lance spawn. (Brisco is located on Harstine and Johnson just across Dana Passage.) The trick is to fish the beginning of an ebb in reallow shallow as the SL pull off the beach... (40-70 feet). Devils Head located across the bay is always worth a shot or two..
Jan- April- Herring spawning. Again, try Brisco Point. The Sqauxin Island stock tend to stage in this area before heading up in the spawning area. Johnson Point would be a back up spot..
Other areas to locate fish would be Von Geldern Cove, Horsehead Bay, Oro Bay and Drayton Passage near Longbranch and Wollochet Bay.
May/June Timeframe (if open) Definitely want to hit these areas. Green Point/Fox Island Sand Spit, Point Gibson, Johnson Point, Lyle Point. Not only do we have some big BM in the area, there is also a early run of fish that travel through these spots..
July/Aug... Chambers Creek, Solo Point, Lyle Point... Returning Kings !!!!
The trick is figuring out the pattern of the fish. Once you have it done, catching is easy! Let's get out and do some fishing!
"If you are not scratchin bottom, you ain't fishing deep enough!" -DR
Puget Sound Anglers, Gig Harbor Chapter