Personally I really don't believe the Tribal catch has much to do with it. If they didn't catch those fish the fish would swim up the river, spawn, die and as soon as the river blew out all of those fish in piece or in whole would be rotting on the bottom of Hood Canal again. I believe the problem lies more in the type of salmon that are being produced by the hatcheries, the mighty chum. The eggs of these fish will practically hatch on a dry rock and require much less time in the hatcheries costing the hatcheries much less money to produce much more fish. Let's face it, since when have you seen two years in a row with around a million chum returning to the Canal? I grew up in Belfair which is at the tip of the Canal and I consider the Hood Canal my back yard so to speak. It used to be a more balanced run. When I was a kid I would catch Sockeye, that's right Sockeye, and Kings, Silvers and chum. The runs varied somewhat from year to year with some years being better than others. I have noticed though with the swing of hatcheries dropping their king and silver stock to producing predominantly chum salmon that things have gone to the "dogs". I have never seen chum runs like the ones that we have today. The hatcheries find that chum are cheap to raise, they can raise more for less and meet the ever growing egg demand. It has to be the eggs because if you ever ate a chum you know it's not the meat. Sure the Tribal influence has helped this swing to raising chum because they sell those eggs for way more money they can sell table fare for but it is just as much the hatcheries fault for not recognizing the need for a balance of the different species. The chum that are released have a lower mortality rate than silvers or kings so they come back in greater numbers making the hatcheries look more "successful" another great reason to produce this fish. On another point people who catch silvers or kings in the canal usually take them home to eat which lessens the amount of rotting oxygen scavenging carcasses. How many chum are kept by the Sport fisherman? Maybe a couple to smoke, a couple for eggs that's about it. I know I'm not the most articulate person on this board but I think you get my point. More chum means more waste, more waste means lower oxygen levels. Just my 2 cents..
Born to fish...Forced to work.