The amount of information you're looking for is overwhelming...pretty much every river from Grays Harbor to Port Angeles has late hatchery fish and early arriving native steelhead in it now.
Pretty much anything that works for steelhead anywhere will work somewhere out on the OP right now...it just depends on the river conditions at the specific spot you're fishing.
If you have any rivers in particular in mind, I'd use the "search" function at the top of this page, put in the name of the river, and you'll probably get back dozens of board topics about that river...everywhere from spots to gear types.
Read up a bit on those threads, and then if you have any specific questions or comments I'm sure someone here will hook you up with what you're looking for.
As far as the vandalism crap goes, there are tweakers and jerks everywhere. The farther you park from a main road, the more likely you are to be targeted. Bring with you only what you will actually carry with you on the river. They won't break into your car if there's obviously nothing in it.
I leave the caps off my rod tubes and point them at the window so everyone can see they're empty, and I leave the zipper open on my duffles that I leave in the car so they can see all that's there is dry clothing for the drive home.
Good luck!
Fish on...
Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle