I've done this a couple of times.
The silvers run starts to show on Labor Day and runs through September. On odd years the pinks show mid-August and run until the second week of September or so.
On out going tides fish at West Beach. The fish hold off here until the tide changes. Incoming tides are best at North Beach to intecept fish as they shoot through the pass.
Buzzbombs at the popular choice and they work. Pinks and greens are best but don't be afraid to throw in some whites and oranges. Spoons can also catch fish as well as spinners. At west beach you can try herring under a bobber but there usually is too many people to try this method as the bobber drifts along the beach. During the evening, you can sometimes find them witin reach of a fly rod. Try clousers in pink/white and chartruse/white, other baitfish patterns, and shrimp patterns. Marabou streamers work too. Use a full sinking line or sink-tip.
On the north side of the park, if you hike on some of the trails west that lead out to the kelp beads you can find linecod, black rockfish, and other bottom fish. Try herring or jigs on the bottom. Also a weighted streamer pattern (i.e. a clouser) and a fast sinking line can be fun on a fly rod (be sure to use a fly rod with some backbone). Often you can fish on the down current side of points in the kelp to stay our of the fast current.
Bring your patience as the beaches are usually crowded.
They say that the man that gets a Ph.D. is the smart one. But I think that the man that learns how to get paid to fish is the smarter one.