but how long and when is the question.

July 9, 2004
Contact: Steve Thiesfeld, (360) 902-2715
or Doug Williams, (360) 902-2256

Surplus Lake Washington sockeye available for fishers;
Recreational seasons will be set after July 12 update

OLYMPIA - State and tribal salmon co-managers Friday afternoon agreed that the Lake Washington sockeye salmon return is large enough to allow for limited fisheries this summer.

While a brief commercial treaty Indian fishery is expected to occur Sunday evening, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) fisheries managers have decided to wait until Monday to review weekend fish counts at the Ballard Locks before determining the shape of this year's recreational fishery.

"As the counts stand today, recreational anglers would have a very brief fishery of perhaps just one day," said Phil Anderson WDFW special assistant to the director. "With additional time to review weekend fish count data from the locks, we are hopeful to shape a recreational fishery of longer duration."
They say that the man that gets a Ph.D. is the smart one. But I think that the man that learns how to get paid to fish is the smarter one.