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#249623 - 07/19/04 02:35 PM Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
seadeep Offline

Registered: 04/13/99
Posts: 93
Loc: Mukilteo, WA
We didn't see anything too outrageous, but we did have some encounters with folks who just don't get it.

First, we were heading under 520 at the west end, doing under the 7 knot speed that is posted, and a yahoo in a big fancy boat right under the bridge decided to give us a verbal lashing about going too fast (or faster than him)! Not only was he not paying attention to the two boats on the other side of him going faster than we were, but he also must have thought he was above the regs about fishing within close proximity to the bridge since he was still trolling right under the bridge. He ended up giving us the bird several times and a lot of verbal business, all with his kids on the boat watching.

Mid-morning, we were in the middle of the lake, with two boats to our port side, and a smaller boat was headed toward us on a collision course from the starboard. The guy and his kid were both in the back of the boat with their butts in the air, messing around with something and not paying any attention. About the time I figured I had to take evasive actions, he happened to look up and then scramble to turn enough to just miss us and get in line with the other boats around. As he was passing very near us, he said to his kid "Yep, that guy is an idiot", obviously referring to me. I rendered a polite opinion back in regards to actually paying attention to where I'm going, and he didn't say anything more.

I'm baffled as to how some parents act in front of their kids, when there is no reason for it. I had my young kids with me too, and got to spend some time explaining to them that even grown-ups don't always like to play nicely with others.

About the funniest thing I saw was a 24ft flybridge with way too many people on it, and apparently a lot of empty beer cans by 7:00 AM. They hit a fish right next to us and you would have thought their team just won the Superbowl. I've never seen folks go that crazy over a fish, and it was a very small one to boot.

Anyone else see anything of humor, or have any good stories?

#249624 - 07/19/04 02:56 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
jeff'e'd Offline

Registered: 07/10/00
Posts: 948
Loc: Snohomish, WA USA
I hear what your'e saying about those boats fishing right under the 520 bridge on the West side access. That's crazy. I did notice on my way back to Maguson park that the police boats were all over 520 and boats were keeping there distance. The funniest part of this whole fishery is why a one day season and force everybody out there at once???? I've never seen anthing like what I saw just south of 520 at about 6:30 in the moring. You couldn't even find a path to drive your boat at full speed there were so many boats.

My semi funny story is that I took 4 boys on my boat and while I was bleeding a fish in my cooler with my head down, my 9 year old was driving and does a complete 180 in about 3 seconds. All of my lines ended up in a ball........ I'm going to have to buy a vial and label it chill pills.......

#249625 - 07/19/04 03:44 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
Theking Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 4756
Loc: The right side of the line
I did not see anything out of the ordinary. Just the usual people in 20'+ boats that for some reason never imagine that slowing down from full throttle racing towards 500 boats with the nose of their boat pointed skywards and plowing a 4' wake that there are better places to do it than 10 yds from 12 to 14 footers with little kids or whole families in the boat. Or the guy at the S end of Mercer Island that was running back and forth across the lake at full throttle in and out of the people fishing every 15 minutes . It was like he could not decide where to fish .
Liberalism is a mental illness!

#249626 - 07/19/04 03:52 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
Gary Johnson Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 07/08/04
Posts: 203
Loc: Fall City, WA
My daughter and I were going to pull out and head home around noon at the Newport Shores launch. Since there were about 30 boats waiting to load we decided to head back down to Coulon for lunch instead. But she really had to use the restroom (She's pregnant and when nature calls it means NOW). So I drop her off. When she gets back on the boat she is laughing her head off. I asked her what was so funny and she told me the following story.

It seems that there was a trailer under water not hooked to the car! The person driving the BMW took off without it! I have no idea where the boat was for it. To make matters worse some impatient person decided to try to launch their boat using that ramp (there are only 2 ramps at Newport Shores). Jamy said there were quite a few people arguing about how to resolve the problem! Takes all kinds I guess!

#249627 - 07/19/04 04:06 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
troller Offline

Registered: 07/11/02
Posts: 608
Loc: Renton , WA
I get a laugh evertime I see someone dragging salmon from a rope behind the boat. My fishfinder was telling me the surface water was 71 degrees. Nothing like boiled salmon for dinner. I do suppose it is better than tossing them on the floor boards and letting the sun shine on them. Most of the people I saw were in good spirits. Didnt see anyone giving me the finger. Did get a few looks tho. I am sure you could have charged admission at most of the launches. Oh yeah their was one guy towing his ice chest around with the lid off trying to slow his boat down. Their were a awful lot of people with very red skin. They are probably still hurting from their sunburns.

#249628 - 07/19/04 04:31 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
budnate Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 04/01/03
Posts: 249
Loc: Bothell wa
Oh yeah their was one guy towing his ice chest around with the lid off trying to slow his boat down
LMAOOOOOOO, Now that is funny, you should have taken a picture of that one!!.....
''Should have been here yesterday, It was like the old days"

#249629 - 07/19/04 04:43 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
Seattlerocket Offline

Registered: 05/12/03
Posts: 34
Loc: Redmond
Trolling off of Seward park I see my rod in the rod holder start to do an odd dance. I grabbed the rod out of the rod holder and popped the line out of the down rigger clip and reeled in.
I found a diver with about 150’ of line attached, a flasher & hook with an almost dead fish on the hook. I looked around and did not see anyone screaming that is was their gear or fish so I marked it off on my catch record card. I sort of felt ripped off that I did not truly catch my 2 fish. I just sort of found this one. What would you of done?

#249630 - 07/19/04 05:11 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
seadeep Offline

Registered: 04/13/99
Posts: 93
Loc: Mukilteo, WA
We've caught pink and coho off Mukilteo before when we've spotted flashers swimming along by themselves on the surface. You get some bonus gear with your fish!

On Saturday we did see a couple of boats netting floaters that they came across. Now, we will bleed our fish on a rope for five minutes or so, but I certainly wouldn't be scooping up fish for the cooler if they've been baking in the sun belly-up for who knows how long.

Saw a couple of kayaks and a couple small catarafts fishing. But unfortutely saw also many very small "pond" boats loaded with adults and kids, often well out in the middle of the lake with VERY little freeboard. I would have to believe that there were a few that got swamped with all the bigger boats around causing the big wakes.

#249631 - 07/19/04 05:12 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
The Moderator Offline
The Chosen One

Registered: 02/09/00
Posts: 13951
Loc: Mitulaville
Originally posted by Seattlerocket:
What would you of done?
It's not like you were out there for sport. This is a meat fishery. Punch the fish and enjoy it for dinner.

What I find truly amazing is how lame these sockeye are at attemtping to put up a fight. I can only guess it's because the lake temp is so warm. I saw a lot of dead sockeye on the surface - usually small ones that people C & R'd. Oh well, the seagulls were happy.

I think the next time I go out, I'm gonna be forced to use my Snoopy Rod. I still don't think that's a fair fight, though.
T.K. Paker

#249632 - 07/19/04 05:45 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
GutZ Offline
The Original Boat Ho

Registered: 02/08/00
Posts: 2917
Loc: Bellevue
For Gods sake! Parker! if you do that please PLEASE leave the Potato gun at home! ;\) You almost gave me a heart attack with that thing!
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It's better to have friends with boats

#249633 - 07/19/04 06:39 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
Seattlerocket Offline

Registered: 05/12/03
Posts: 34
Loc: Redmond
For Parker;

I must agree. The Sockeye & even the pinks, pound for pound are not much to get excted about fight wise. Ever catch a Bonito down south?

For Seadeep;

YES too too many pond boats. you might think someone would own up to this danger before someone gets dead

#249634 - 07/19/04 06:54 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
The Moderator Offline
The Chosen One

Registered: 02/09/00
Posts: 13951
Loc: Mitulaville
Originally posted by GutZ:
For Gods sake! Parker! if you do that please PLEASE leave the Potato gun at home! ;\) You almost gave me a heart attack with that thing!
I would like the record to state that the potato gun was *not* Parker's, nor did Parker, at any point, ever fire the Potato gun - let alone at GutZ! ;\)

Next year is another story, though! ;\)

Oh wait, my new kid is due on the 30th of December. Me thinks I will not be attending this year to get that trophy back from BNelson. \:\(
T.K. Paker

#249635 - 07/19/04 06:58 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
The Moderator Offline
The Chosen One

Registered: 02/09/00
Posts: 13951
Loc: Mitulaville
Originally posted by Seattlerocket:
For Parker;

Ever catch a Bonito down south?
Why yes I have. Wasn't much of a fight either. Granted, it was a small one and I had gear that was suited for marlins over smaller fish.

I bet had I hooked that on a 6wt fly rod, I'd still be fighting it! Woooo!
T.K. Paker

#249636 - 07/19/04 10:11 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
R Ridgeway Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 12/04/99
Posts: 286
Loc: Seattle
I'm a So. Cal native and my dad used to take me deep sea fishing out of Oceanside. Caught some awesome Bonita and Barracuda. Those Bonita could take a circlular run at lightning speed and tangle up a half dozen fishermen around you before you could say fish-on!! It has to be the warm water that has taken all the fight out of these sockeye. The sockeye on the Russian River on the other hand fought like kings.

#249637 - 07/19/04 10:48 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
starcraft tom Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 424
Loc: marysville
not to funny and down right dangerus. while waiting in line to lunch at sand piont the non- boaters keep pulling out in to the other lane and driving around all the people waititng in line . this is while trucks and trailers are coming at them from the launch area. it was like the were to good to wait with the rest of us. how people can justify braking the law and put their kids in danger just to go ride their bikes 5 mins (ok 30 min) sooner is beond me.

I did see a guy pulling a 27 ft cabin cruzer of unknown maker with a 71 convertable olds 4 dr. seemed to be pulling it just great but it looked funny
Thomas J Elliott
Veterans Realty Services.

#249638 - 07/19/04 11:18 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
Dogfish Offline
Poodle Smolt

Registered: 05/03/01
Posts: 10878
Loc: McCleary, WA
We saw one of those amphi-cars. Has a steering wheel, wheels, and a propeller, on the northwest side of Mercer Island near the Bay. It was baby blue in color.

There was one guy that took enough time at the launch retrieving his boat that three of us got ours out in the same time on the other launch. From the time my trailer hit the water to when the boat was on secure was about 30 seconds, and I had my two youngs boys with me with no help.

We also bleed our fish on a rope, but only for about 5 minutes, then they get gutted and packed in ice in the cooler. Much less mess.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

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#249639 - 07/20/04 11:02 AM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
Downriggin Offline
Repeat Spawner

Registered: 02/28/02
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Loc: Marine Area 13
Since I launched at 10am, I didn't have any problems at the ramp- 15 minutes max for both launch and recovery. Even had a parking spot in the lot for me.

Other than getting cut-off by two knuckleheads in a canoe and watching some intelligent fellow hit a speed bouy while filming (camcorder) on jet ski, wasn't much excitement at all.
"If you are not scratchin bottom, you ain't fishing deep enough!" -DR

Puget Sound Anglers, Gig Harbor Chapter

#249640 - 07/20/04 11:50 AM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
rwgav8 Offline

Registered: 01/21/03
Posts: 491
Loc: Orting
Originally posted by Dogfish:
We saw one of those amphi-cars. Has a steering wheel, wheels, and a propeller, on the northwest side of Mercer Island near the Bay. It was baby blue in color.

I saw that car leaving the launch as I was tying down my boat.

Nothing too crazy though, the usual guys not paying attention, trolling across the "lanes", going to fast or others making a huge wake, like Gary from work......Idiot!!! Oh, did I say that out loud?!?!?

We also retrieved a dodger off of one fish. We didnt keep the fish though as we had to net the fish to retrieve the gear.

#249641 - 07/20/04 01:04 PM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
floatandjig Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 12/31/03
Posts: 154
Loc: Puyallup
The funniest part about the whole thing is that I wasn't there to mix it up with the morons!!!

#249642 - 07/21/04 03:33 AM Re: Any Funny LW Stories from Saturday?
rwgav8 Offline

Registered: 01/21/03
Posts: 491
Loc: Orting
Originally posted by floatandjig:
The funniest part about the whole thing is that I wasn't there to mix it up with the morons!!!
Well, this weekend is your chance!!!!!

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