This is the thread where you get to watch me paint my driftboat. I am proceeding mostly on the good advice I got from DanS and some helpful folks over on , a terrific site if you are into old chevy trucks.
Day 1:
Hemmed and hawed half the day whether or not to chip all the old gluvit off the bottom and start with a fresh layer. Decided not to decide...
I forgot to take a before picture so this one will have to gives you a better idea anyway of the five different layers that came off.
Using the suggested product Kleen Strip I started slopping the stuff on. Due to the layers mentioned above it took two full applications to each area I was stripping and a third touch-up application to get to the bare metal.....
Day 2:
I finally did get to bare metal and I think it looks pretty good. Yeah, I missed a spot....
I'm estimating that by the time I'm done I will have used a gallon and a half of the stripper, about 45 - 50 bucks worth.
I give a big thumbs up to the paint job the alumaweld guys did at the factory 32 years ago....the greenish stuff in the photo below I believe is the etching placed on the aluminum in the factory. The etching and primer were intact over the entire boat.....pretty incredible really.
Only what you see left in the first photo to go tomorrow. My goal is to have the outside completely stripped and ready to wash with degreaser.