If there indeed is a kelt issue on the OP rivers as early as February, or March, then I'm finding the regulation to be more and more necessary.
Is it the WSP that recommends selective gear fisheries during CnR fisheries? Is it only during CnR fisheries? It seems kind of odd that it was OK to use bait during harvest seasons, when there are kelts present, but not during CnR seasons at the same time of year in the same place.
This is also a bit troubling about the Sol Duc allowing the use of bait, then, too. Besides concentrating so many of the bait fishermen on that river, doesn't the Sol Duc receive the lion's share of the Quillayute wild fish? Wouldn't there be a conservation issue that should use selective fisheries there? Is there an exception because there is a salmon fishery?
Thanks for the heads up on the kelt issue, I hadn't considered it at the beginning...when I said "adults", I was referring to pre-spawn adults, hence the extremely low mortality I was talking about.
The warm weather has been a killer on some of my favorite fishing water, sluggish fish if I do find them. Been too busy to fish more than three or four times a month lately, anyway
Will you be in Oly on the 28th?
Fish on...