from dfw site:
600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091

September 2, 2004
Contact: Cindy LeFleur, (360) 906-6709

Fish hard this weekend!!

Buoy 10 area closes to chinook retention Sept. 7
Beginning Tuesday (Sept. 7), anglers fishing the Buoy 10 area at the mouth of the Columbia River will be required to release chinook salmon.

That’s because by Labor Day the sport fishery is expected to reach its allocation of chinook, which was determined during the pre-season fishery planning process. Fishing for hatchery coho will continue through December.

Fisheries managers with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) estimate that 11,500 chinook had been caught in the Buoy 10 area through Aug. 30.

The Buoy 10 fishery and fishing farther up the Columbia above the Rocky Point / Tongue Point line are structured to avoid excessive impacts to Snake River wild chinook salmon, which have protection under the federal Endangered Species Act. Some of those wild fish are incidentally caught in the sport fishery.

“We want to ensure that the Buoy 10 fishery does not preclude fishing for chinook upstream, which generally peaks in early September,” said Cindy LeFleur, WDFW Columbia River policy coordinator.
bawddawg, no biscuit!